วันจันทร์ที่ 9 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Solutions - 5 Alternative Acne Solutions

Many acne solutions claim to be effective but the problem is on how you distinguish those tips and suggestions. The following are 5 alternative acne solutions. However, it is best that you consult your dermatologist before choosing to perform self-treatment on your acne.

1. Clean your face with a mild cleanser together with lukewarm water

Do not be deceived or swayed by advertisements of certain manufacturers that promote their products to be effective in combating acne. While these may provide short-term relief from acne, constant use may lead to dry skin, which makes it prone to pimples growth. You should choose a mild cleanser that has a gentle effect on your facial skin. Although these products are never advertised to be acne solutions, some cleansers turn out to be effective acne remedies.

2. Observing a strict diet accompanied by food supplements

Recent studies have indicated that eating too much sugar and carbohydrates increases the level of insulin in your body. This is turn creates excessive oil, which when mixed with dead cells trigger the appearance of acne on your face. Try to limit your carbohydrate as well as sugar intake so as not to increase your insulin content. Taking a multivitamin capsule or tablet regularly is recommended to supplement whatever deficiency you might experience with your current diet.

3. Use oral contraceptives or birth control if approved by your doctor

Androgens are the hormones responsible for the production of oil in your glands, which consequently produces pimple. It has been discovered that birth control pills have the ability to reduce the presence of androgens in your system, hence reducing the possibility of developing pimples. The intake of oral contraceptives is one of the more popular choices for treating acne. Despite its popularity, it is strongly advised by the medical practitioners that you consult with your dermatologist when considering taking birth control pills as your acne solution.

4. Laser as your acne solution

Facing the world with an acne condition is a difficult position to be and this can be further intensified when the scars are left behind for everyone to see. Fortunately, there is an available laser solution to remove the traces of pimples on your skin. Non-ablative lasers works by not performing any damage to your skin’s outer layer, also referred to as epidermis, but rather focuses on your dermis. Resorting to non-abrasive laser may be an expensive and in some cases, a dangerous option for you.

5. Use of Antibiotics

The use of antibiotics to counter the presence of acne has been utilized for decades and this is still a popular recourse for those afflicted with this circumstance. It reduces the existence of bacteria surrounding the hair follicles o your face and at the same time, controls the chemicals coming from your white blood cells that causes irritation.

Again, it is strongly advice that you consult your dermatologist before choosing to perform any acne solution.

Author is the webmaster of Acne Products. Read the original article at Acne Solutions - 5 Alternative Acne Solutions. More Acne Solutions and information available.

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