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Acne - The 7 Common Acne Myths Are Discussed

While growing up, you've probably heard of the many speculations and myths about acne. There are numerous myths about the causes as well as treatment for acne. Not surprisingly, you probably grew up not really knowing the cause and the correct treatment for acne. If you are not suffering from acne, you wouldn't really care but once you are afflicted of this pesky skin disease, you'd likely care a lot.

The Lowdown on Acne

Acne is a skin disorder. It is caused by the activities of hormones and skin elements like your hair follicles and the skin's oil glands. It appears almost everywhere on the skin surface but primarily on the face, neck, chest, back and shoulders.

In order to properly treat acne, you should know the myths surrounding this skin disease. It is a good idea to visit your dermatologist the minute you are plagued with acne to receive proper treatment. Your dermatologist will probably enlighten you to the truth, what causes it and how to treat it.

7 Common Acne Myths

There are actually many kinds of myths about acne. Here are some of them:

1) Frequent washing eliminates zits. Admittedly, while frequent washing may get rid of the bacteria and oil on the skin. It also causes skin aridness which may also cause frequent acne breakouts.

2) Avoid makeup or shaving if you want to prevent acne. You don't have to totally forego using cosmetics. You just have to learn how to choose your cosmetic products properly. Look for brands that are labeled noncomedogenic or nonacnegenic. You can also shave. Just make sure that you do it properly and with good razors so you'd avoid nicking your skin and causing allergies or irritations.

3) Poor hygiene triggers or causes zits. This might be true to some people but most people who suffer zits are actually quite hygienic. In fact, they almost aggravate their zits more with frequent washing. They develop some sort of obsession to cleanliness.

4) Tanning helps cure the condition. In truth, tanning does not help treat acne. In fact, it may actually aggravate the condition. You may also developed allergy from the chemicals used in tanning.

5) Pimples is caused by greasy foods and chocolate. There is actually no scientific proof to this old myth. There is no proof that pizza, cheese burgers and French fries cause acne. Of course, there may be some people who experience acne breakouts with certain foods like chocolates. People's bodies react differently to foods.

6) Stress causes acne. You need to differentiate the type of stress that may or may not cause pimples. Day-to-day stressors do not cause acne. However, severe stress that requires medical intervention or treatment may indeed cause pimples breakouts.

7) Let the condition run its course. Often, people suffering from acne, especially teenagers, are advised to let their affliction just run its course. "It's natural for your age!" Well, perhaps it is but it can be treated and it can clear up with treatment. You don't have to bear with it for a long time and you don't have to risk scars from developing. You can seek treatment for it the minute the condition gets out of hand or even before then.

The author is an online medical researcher and webmaster of Acne Products and Acne Treatment Visit site for related article: "Best Over-the-Counter Acne Products".

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