วันเสาร์ที่ 21 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Myths - The 4 Popular Myths About Acne

The world is filled with people who spread rumors, and most of them are baseless. they are spread so there is something to talk about even though there is no logic nor does the news make any sense. Experts immediately find ways of putting these to rest, especially when connected to medical conditions. For something as simple as acne, there are numerous rumors and myths floating about. Some of these have no basis, and not scientifically proven and Doctors and dermatologists who are qualified try throwing light on these issues to protect the patients' interests.

Some of the most popular myths about acne are,

1. Acne is caused because of stress

This statement is only partly true, stress is not a sole cause for acne, but it does trigger acne and at times when the boil gets aggravated it could be due to high stress. When a person is stressed out, his body increases sebaceous glands functioning which leads to excretion of oil. For a lady who is trying to conceive, she might worry each day about whether she is pregnant or would she ever get pregnant or not. This will add to stress that builds up inside her system and is released in the form of acne.

If , on the other hand, a women wants to put off getting pregnant and begin using oral contraceptives, they should consult their doctor to understand the effects and benefits of the same before taking them. In order to prevent acne, people are often advised to get involved in some activity that will help control the stress levels and keep them relaxed.

2. Food items leads to acne

There are no direct connections between food and acne, and this has been a research for quite sometime now. However, if a person adopts eating of regulated healthy diet, their skin condition is known to be better than others. For people who rely on fast food, French fries, aerated drinks, greasy oily food or even eat out regularly, the amount of oil extracted will lead to acne or pimples frequently.

3. Cosmetics connected to cases of Acne

A small zit on our face wrecks our life and spoils our day, and we will not rest till we have found a solution. All it does is hampers the looks, and leads to scars. This cannot classify acne as a cosmetic based disease. However, excessive use of cosmetics and make up will cause acne, when the person does not know the proper method of applying and removing the make up. They need to understand that their skin too like them needs fresh air, and this is possible only by washing their face before going to bed after a party.

4. Dirt and grime leads to acne

Dirt will not directly lead to acne, but it might be the reason if there is too much dirt or grime on the skin and it gets mixed with the oil secreted. When the follicles on the skin cells get blocked, it leads to acnes.

Author is the webmaster of Acne Products and Acne Treatment. Download Free Acne Ebook here.

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