วันพุธที่ 14 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to Get Rid of Acne Redness For Good

If you want to get rid of acne redness, reading this article can help you get started in your acne treatment program. Unfortunately a large percentage of the population suffer from acne at some point in their life. Acne redness can be particularly embarrassing as it gives the face (or other affected area) a permanent flush and is very noticeable. Many people still suffer from acne redness even after the spots have disappeared - this can be due to scarring or irritation of the skin. There is hope though and various treatments ranging from natural treatments to even surgery - but I advise the natural approach if possible!

To get rid of acne redness you will need to tackle the acne itself first and do your best to tackle the root of the problem. Acne is usually brought about by hormonal increases, lack of skin hygiene but can also be caused and aggravated by nutritional deficiencies, food allergies, intolerances, poor diet and bad skin care. Acne redness can be made worse by picking of spots and skin agitation. Very often one can benefit from increasing skin hygiene by properly cleansing the skin twice daily with an antiseptic wash and avoiding squeezing spots! There are some effective skin care products for acne which can help but this is only a surface handling - to resolve acne for good, you need to dig a bit further and get to the true cause of the problem. Also, avoid harsh skin products which may be drying out your skin too much and causing further agitation and redness of the skin.

Often seeing a nutritionist and dermatologist can help but these can be expensive and sometimes it is hard to find good specialists. Another suggestion is to try one of the information products available on how to tackle acne naturally at home. These often include education on what successful nutritional and skin care steps to follow.

The other option is to resort to medication to handle acne but I do not advise this unless all other attempts have failed. There are various medications used to handle acne. One of the milder treatments is the oral contraceptive pill used to treat women with acne. This is used to re-balance a hormonal imbalance, although the vast majority of women do not have a hormonal imbalance but it is effective for those who do. Other treatments include antibiotics and medications such as Isotretinoin and Nicotinamide. Antibiotics can be effective but the body can only tolerate being on them for limited periods - so this may not be the ideal long-term solution. Some of the medications like Isotretinoin can have harmful side effects ranging from skin peeling to severe depression! Therefore, I advise you try a natural approach first and attempt to handle acne without drugs or harsh chemicals first.

Acne scarring can be another source of lasting acne redness and can be treated by certain surgical procedures like dermabrasion and chemical peels. These can be uncomfortable though and again, a natural approach may be able to help the body heal itself and reduce scars and acne redness. For instance, vitamin E is very effective in helping reduce scars but it is not the only natural treatment available. A nutritional and natural skin care program could go a long way in helping calm the skin down and heal scars and therefore reduce acne redness.

Acne redness can be reduced by reducing any acne one currently has and then taking further steps to handle any scarring and skin agitation if needed. Usually if acne is handled fast enough, the risks of scarring can be greatly reduced. A natural approach is best as it can assist the body to heal itself, and a total program which tackles the problem from all angles is suggested. It is best to avoid medications and harsh surgical procedures if possible.

Susan Brown is an expert in the field of acne treatments and recommends handling acne from a total approach to handle acne redness for good.

Click here to see which acne treatment she recommends the most.

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