วันเสาร์ที่ 5 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Solution - Do You Get Pimples That Keep Appearing in the Same Area?

A good acne solution for me was actually paying attention to how and where I was applying my acne treatment.

I used to wake up and see a pimple in the exact same spot where there was one a few days earlier. This went on for around 3 months. Sometimes it would have a friend almost joined side by side and other times it would be on its own but it was always in the same area.

The main areas that the exact same pimples kept appearing were above my lip between the nose and the crease of my chin. At this point I had found a great acne solution that worked well with my skin so I thought it was weird it didn't help those areas.

I started to pay attention to how I applied my acne treatments and I noticed I kind of neglected those areas. I was a bit careless when exfoliating, cleansing and applying acne solutions on these areas so I started paying as much attention there as I did to the rest of my face. Sure enough the zits started drying out and stopped reappearing.

So before you rule out certain acne solutions just make sure it's not you that's at fault instead of the product or treatments you are experimenting with.

When it comes down to it though, it could be the acne treatments you are using at fault. If they do not contain ingredients to kill the bacteria causing the pimple then your acne isn't going to leave in a hurry.

Discover why manuka honey for acne, tea tree oil acne treatments and other bacteria fighting ingredients should help you gain acne free clear skin faster!

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วันศุกร์ที่ 4 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne And Makeup - Proper Techniques To Hide Your Acne With Makeup

Acne is of course a very disturbing and upsetting condition, but there are ways to help you to conceal the scars and pimples that are caused by this naturally occurring skin blemish. Makeup is a favorite choice of many people to hide their acne. One of the most important things to consider when choosing makeup to cover acne is that it is appropriate for the condition. Acne can be made worse by makeup that contains oil and so it is best to choose a brand that does not contain any. If you are not sure which is the best to choose, then it is recommended to get some advice from your dermatologist or skin care specialist rather than just guessing. If you have a lot of acne scarring then there are some special camouflage make-ups available nowadays. This can be great for concealing scarring and is also made for those with problem skin.

One of the main things to remember when you are using makeup for acne is to make sure that you skin is very clean and that you use a variety of cleansers that are good for skin with acne. You should also make sure that when you take off the makeup you are very careful to make sure that you have taken all of it off. It is very important to make sure that the skin is clear of all makeup so that the pores are clear and do not get clogged up.

One of the most useful types of makeup when you have acne is concealer. This is very good for covering up blemishes and also works well on scarring. You need to take care when applying this as it is the basis of your makeup and is a vital ingredient in allowing you to camouflage the acne well. Don't use too thick a layer but just make sure that it is even so that it can work well. You also need to apply a foundation to give your skin a natural appearance to cover the fact that you have been using the concealer to cover your acne and not make it so obvious.

Acne and makeup are very well suited to each other despite what some people think, you just to have make sure that you look after the skin by keeping it clean and ensuring that you get it all off afterwards. It can make the skin seem to be a lot clearer and this can give the sufferer a lot more confidence but you need to make sure that buy a makeup that is suited to the condition. If you buy the right makeup and apply it well then it can make a real difference.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Clear-Skin-Solutions.com He provides more acne clearing solutions, remedies and acne and makeup tips that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Treatment Depends on the Type and Severity of the Skin Condition

Acne comes in different types and treatment also varies depending on the type of acne you have. Acne vulgaris is one type of acne that commonly affects millions of Americans. Eighty-five percent of people between the age range of 12 to 25 develop this type of acne. Acne outbreak could happen to everyone that is why it is important to know and understand the facts about this skin condition in order to find the perfect acne treatment that would control acne formation. 

Understanding the cause of acne
Myths and misconceptions exist about the causes of acne. This is because even the medical professionals are not certain what exactly causes this skin problem. This condition starts as lesions in the skin follicles. It develops when there is an abnormal secretion of sebum from the sebaceous glands. When the oil mixed together with the dust and other particles, the skin pore is clogged thus bacteria conveniently reside and makes acne to appear and multiply. When the acne is infected, it goes deeper into the skin that can possibly leave a permanent scar.

Bacteria that causes acne
Propionebacterium acnes are the bacteria that cause pimples. This bacterium when mixed with sebum makes the affected tissues to swell thus acne formation result. Likewise, it cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment because it is anaerobic. Acne outbreak could be a result from the breaking down of skin fats that is caused by Corynebacterium acnes.

Acne in Teenagers and Adults
Acne in teenagers is commonly a result of hormonal imbalance during puberty. Acne formation in teens is milder and non-inflammatory but may become complicated especially in girls that are associated with menstruation. This skin problem does not only affect the teenagers but also adult specifically in women ages 25 or 30. On the other hand, adult acne is more complicated due to various causes. Hormonal imbalance due to menstruation and pregnancy is the most common contributing factor of acne formation in adults. Some women who used birth control pills and eventually stop from using are also prone to acne. Stress and other emotional strain can also cause acne.  Severe acne is common to boys and men that cause deep and permanent scars. However, this condition can be controlled but not completely cured. The acne becomes severe when it is infected thus cysts and nodules appear.

Treatment of Acne
Acne treatment comes in various approaches. Depending on the severity of the condition, you can use pharmaceutical products and other medications. Some topical antibiotic and chemical solutions can be used to treat certain types of acne and reduces scarring. There are also over the counter medications that you can buy without prescriptions such as topical antibiotics. The period of treating your acne will depend on the condition of your skin along with the cost of the therapy. 

In choosing the right acne treatment, you should select the appropriate medication that suits your skin type as well as the type of acne you have. You should be aware that most of the medications only reduce the symptoms but not the root cause of the problem. You can also use alternative treatment that is oftentimes more effective than the medication. Therefore, before your skin problem aggravates, you should find the proper treatment. Otherwise, you will suffer the long-time effect of acne that could make you feel inferior.

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วันพุธที่ 2 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Nutrition - Vegetables to Eat and Drink to Eliminate Acne

Your skin needs vegetables to look good and stay free from acne. If more people knew this, there would be less acne around. Most people do not get enough nutrition and fiber-rich foods to keep themselves in reasonable health, never mind looking naturally fantastic.

So let's cooperate with our bodies and feed them what they need. I've listed the most effective veggies and their juices for you to have daily in order to eliminate your acne.

Vegetable juices

Vegetable juice is quickly absorbed into your bloodstream, so improvement starts almost instantly. Your cells are given the nutrients they need to cleanse away toxins. The concentrated nutrients in vegetable juice help in body in general to improve with acne and constipation in particular.

Eating and drinking vegetables supplies your minerals to rejuvenate your life blood, tissue, bones, and cells. As part of your acne nutrition, you require minerals to build every part of your body. Minerals care for your body's pH level, making sure you remain alkaline and preventing damaging body acids rising too high. Eat generous quantities of fresh raw fruit and vegetables every day.

As juice is concentrated, you may wish to add ice cubes or distilled water and sip it rather than gulp it down. Savour each sip in the mouth before swallowing.

Carrot and apple juice

Drink carrot juice daily. It is sweet and goes well with apple juice. Young tender carrots make a sweeter drink. Carrot juice is rich in vitamins, minerals and beta-carotene. Carrot juice will enhance your skin's health and help you eliminate acne.

Carrot and apple juice with spinach

This is a wonderful colon cleanser. It shifts colon matter out of the body and as a direct result, your skin improves. Juice about 10 young medium-sized carrots and add a bunch of spinach. Finally juice the apples to make it palatable. Mix well and sip slowly.


You will come across the word phytochemicals at times. All chemicals found naturally in fruit and vegetables are called phytochemicals. There are so many phytochemicals that, to date, scientists have not finished learning about all of them.

Of what is known, these vegetables listed below are the ones that best support the elimination of acne. Favor these vegetables as part of your lifestyle for the desired skin cleansing effect.

* Carrots -- yield a generous source of vitamin A-like carotenoids. These phytochemicals have been shown to repair damaged skin and contribute to the general health of skin.
* Cabbage -- works on eliminating air-borne chemicals and chemical food-additives from the body.
* Celery -- high in fiber. Its alkaline effect calms nervous tension. Its minerals neutralizes body acid waste.
* Cucumber -- works well at reducing retained water, helping the kidney in its task of cleaning out your blood. It also contains silicon and sulphur which reduces acne
* Broccoli -- is rich in beta carotene, a precursor to vitamin A, great for one's skin
* Garlic -- is natures antibiotic. This works on bacterial infections
* Green pepper -- Wonderful nutrients for liver health and constipation, both very much involved in an acne patient. Green pepper minerals neutralize acid waste.
* Radishes -- an aid for food digestion. Good digestion keeps constipation at bay and keeps the liver and pancreas in good condition.
* Sprouts -- brim full of vitamins and minerals, which help to balance Ph.
* Watercress -- ensures a good vitamin and mineral supply at the skin surface. It provides Vitamin A, B1, B2, C, iron, manganese, copper, and calcium.

Go over this list again and jot it down before heading for your nearest trusted store or farmers market. Also consider the amount and type of protein you are consuming.

Focus on your health-providing natural products for your acne nutrition. Eat them. Drink them. You will be rewarded.

My name is Megan Richards, I'm the online Wellness Editor for http://www.BeWellAgain.com/cure-acne

Did you find this article useful? Acne cures still not working for you? Maybe I can help. Go here now Cure Acne -- It's a free information directory and you won't have to log in or leave your name or email address.

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วันอังคารที่ 1 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Butt Acne Pimples - I Don't Have Them Anymore and Neither Should You

Darn! It's bad enough for some people to have to deal with acne breakout problems on the face, but for those of you who suffer with acne constantly breaking out on the buttocks, I feel your pain. And what about that acne's nerve? I mean, it doesn't care. It doesn't discriminate. It has no sympathy. It will affect anyone at any age, race or gender at anytime and anywhere on the body - including the butt.

Pimples on the butt are an annoyance that you are constantly reminded about every time you sit down, or go to the bathroom, or take a shower, or put on a bathing suit, or whatever. They're just there and you know it and you want them gone. I'm sure it's disheartening when you find that your butt is sometimes literally covered with zits, even between the butt cheeks at times! These zits are unsightly and embarrassing, and they can also be very sore when they get inflamed - can't they? And you've tried everything to get rid of them. You've tried scrubbing and scrubbing them hard and long, you've tried popping them, you've tried different over-the-counter and prescription medications, you've tried eliminating chocolate, just about everything you can think of, but they still seem to hang around.

What Exactly is Acne?

The most common form of acne develops when hair follicles on the skin become blocked with dead skin cells, coupled with the over-production of oil secretion by the sebaceous glands under the skin. When pores are blocked, oil builds up beneath them, causing bacteria to grow and multiply. Because of this, the affected area becomes inflamed and produces acne lesions or pimples in the form of pustules, cysts, whiteheads or blackheads.

What Causes Butt Acne?

The causes of acne on the buttocks vary but some common causes include irritation from non-fragrance free detergents or fabric softeners, stress, hormonal changes (not just women, men can have hormone fluctuations too), or perspiring under tight-fitting clothing. When you perspire with snug clothing on, perspiration from your sweat glands, your natural body oils and bacteria can clog pores and cause acne to start.

#1 "Get Rid of Butt Acne" Mistake

The biggest mistake that you can make when trying to get rid of acne on your rear is to overdo scrubbing the affected areas and not following an effective cure regimen. Do not scrub, scrub, scrub. This will only cause more irritation and encourage the bacteria and infection to spread and to fester.

What Can You Do?

Part of an effective butt acne cure regimen includes gently exfoliating the affected areas, by using a loofah or acne cleansing sponge to lightly wash your bottom, as opposed to abrasively scrubbing it.

Be sure to shower as soon as possible after perspiring heavily. Also, while exercising or doing other physical activities which cause you to sweat, be sure to wear cotton clothing that fits loosely. This will allow your skin to get more air and hinder the development of acne in undesired places, like your behind!

Do not pick or squeeze the pimples on your butt, this will cause them to become infected.

Follow an effective skin care regimen for your behind, just as you would your face. Note, the key word here is effective. So find one that actually works.

Acne or Keratosis Pilaris?

If you have a bunch of red or white bumps all over your butt, and possibly the legs too, that seems to be a little hard pimple rash, but you're not really sure. It could be a condition called - Keratosis Pilaris. This condition develops when hair follicles become blocked and get inflamed because of the over reproduction of keratin proteins in the skin cells. This causes bumps to develop which usually seem to be worse in the winter months, more so than in the summer months. Also your doctor can prescribe Erythromycin 2% to help with the symptoms, but it probably won't clear it up completely in most cases. Be sure to inquire about this type of butt acne at your next doctor's visit.

Like I said earlier, I feel your pain. I'm Audrey Malone and I have been acne-free over 4 years now, and I had cystic acne on my face and I had breakouts on my body and butt too. And you know what? It has all completely cleared. You will find out how you can clear your acne too by visiting: http://AcneControlTreatment.com

You don't have to suffer anymore.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Treating Acne Scars

Your skin reflects your inner health, and will reward these efforts with a healthy, beautiful glow. However, some degree of trauma to the skin is, alas, unavoidable. The soft, flawless skin of a baby does not stay that way, and sooner or later we all pick up various scars and blemishes.

While some of these may be sizable and significant such as the scars that can result from a cut or injury requiring sutures, smaller scars such as acne scars can be dealt will effectively and in most cases eradicated using simple home remedies.

To a large degree, this is folk wisdom: not necessarily the sort of thing your family doctor would be able to tell you about, but tried and true remedies such as your grandmother might have used.

Olive Oil
Rubbing 100% pure virgin olive oil into a scar 2 or 3 times a day can minimize or even eliminate it, even if the scar is quite large. This works best on 'fresh' or new scars, but is worth a try even if the scar is older.

Vitamin E Oil
Vitamin E is the 'skin vitamin', and vitamin E oil is probably the best known and most tested scar remedy. You can buy vitamin E oil capsules at any drug store; the cheap kind is fine, and it doesn't seem to make a difference whether the oil is from natural or artificial sources.

Break open a capsule and rub it into the scar, once or twice a day. (And while you're at it, swallow a capsule each day as well, along with some vitamin C - both very good for the skin). The vitamin E treatment is virtually guaranteed to work for most scars. Don't bother with creams or lotions that contain vitamin E, however - using pure vitamin E oil is cheaper and more effective.

Lemon Juice
Some consider this to be the most effective remedy for small scars and skin discoloration. Lemon juice naturally and gently bleaches the skin, and this makes it effective for certain types of scars that are essentially darkened or discolored spots.

It will not totally get rid of raised scars or indentations in the skin, but it can improve their appearance. You can squeeze some lemon juice onto your finger or a cotton ball and apply it directly to the scar.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Secret That Will Clear Your Acne

There are many myths about acne, its cause and how to clear it. This leaves most sufferers not only frustrated about their skin, but also mystified about the whole subject. So let's clear up some misconceptions about acne and talk about the secret that will clear you up...

The first information about acne you might well read about is the whole process of the clogged glands leading to inflamed lesions. This is all that the 'experts' talk about when it comes to acne. But it's not saying anywhere near enough about the condition. It's like saying all there is to food is eating it, totally leaving out the fact that food needs to be grown/found/killed, then cooked and prepared BEFORE eating happens!

So there is more to acne than just the last stage of development of an acne lesion. But what is it?

Well, let me tell you about two types of food. One type is INFLAMMATORY (causes hormones to go berserk), others are ANTI-INFLAMMATORY (cause hormones to calm down.) What you eat is the beginning of whether or not you get acne (or any disease for that matter.)

And this is the secret fact about acne that the dermatologists choose to ignore and the acne companies claim is not true, so that they can sell expensive potions (cleansers and pills) that they know don't work, but which get repeat orders because they claim their product 'takes time' to work...

So the secret to clearing your acne is simply to change your diet. Easy as that. In fact, the most important food to avoid is vegetable oil. Do this for a few days and your acne will clear up DRAMATICALLY, just like mine did. To find out more great information on clearing your acne visit my free website now

Jack Venta has set up a free website for you that reviews the best acne cures available and reveals how he cured his acne 100% within 1 week. Check out his website at Acne Solved right now.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 28 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Laser Surgery Can Help Clear Up Your Skin And Remove Embarrassing Blemishes From Your Face

Acne laser surgery is no longer just a fantasy. For the millions of men and women who are bothered by severe acne, it has become a very real option for restoring their complexion and improving their flagging self-esteem.

For generations, acne has been the scourge of teenagers. We all experienced that errant pimple which invariably showed up the day of the big dance. But in recent years, acne has become more of a problem for adults as well. Natural oils in the skin, the effects of stress, and reactions to diet and lifestyle choices can all produce uncomfortable and unsightly facial blemishes. The cosmetology industry has been striving to address the problem, offering everything from crèmes and ointments to acne surgery.

Those attempts have resulted in a variety of surgical options for removing the most stubborn of acne blemishes. Currently, there are three main types of laser surgery for acne scars: Ablative, Non-ablative and Fraxel. Ablative surgery uses a carbon dioxide laser to remove pimples one layer at a time. By resurfacing the skin, this procedure leaves a smooth, blemish free layer which fits in seamlessly with surrounding skin. It can also be used for reducing the effects of scars or repairing areas of discoloration.

Non-ablative acne laser surgery literally works from the inside out, destroying blemishes and also killing any bacteria which may be a contributing cause of the acne. This treatment, gentler and less destructive than ablative, also adds a topical medication to the skin to further reduce blemishes.

Fraxel laser treatments involve only destroying certain areas of the skin, leaving the healthy surrounding skin untouched. Much less invasive than the other two types of acne surgery, fraxel or fractional laser surgery is a relatively new alternative but one which holds a lot of promise. Aside from pinpointing the area to be destroyed, fraxel surgery also reduces the healing process as it doesn't require a cooling down period afterward.

While the latest developments in surgical treatments are cause for optimism, acne laser surgery is not something which should be undertaken lightly. As the name suggests, it is very much a surgical procedure and not just a quick cosmetic fix. Before considering laser surgery for acne scars, it is imperative that you consult your doctor. Like any medical procedure or treatment, not every patient will respond the same and you need to consider the possible ramifications in your individual case. Generally, laser surgery is only recommended in the most severe cases when other, more standard, treatments have proven unsuccessful.

Before undergoing acne surgery, you'll want to take all of the potential drawbacks into consideration. Once again, this is a serious surgical procedure and as such it should only be performed by a licensed physician. Though often considered a cosmetic procedure, you should never rely on a cosmetologist to perform it. You'll also want to consider the cost, which can sometimes be prohibitive, especially since many insurance companies don't consider laser surgery to be a necessary medical expense. Make sure that your insurance company will cover the cost of your treatment or be prepared to pay out of pocket.

As with most medical procedures, acne laser surgery should never be considered a quick fix. Laser surgery will address the surface issue, acne scarring, but in order to have a really effective cure you have to treat the underlying causes of the condition as well. In order to fully address your acne problem, you need to adjust your diet, control stress levels and you may also need some hormonal treatment as well. Laser surgery can make you look and feel better, but it will only be truly effective as part of an overall treatment plan to prevent any further acne breakouts.

Acne can be a frustrating and embarrassing fact of life, but now more than ever there is hope. If severe and persistent acne is a problem for you, consult your doctor today and find out what options exist for treatment. Before you know it, acne will be a thing of the past and you'll be able to truly put your best face forward.

Scott LeRoy has been researching and evaluating dermatological applications and treatments for many years. He is a regular contributor to Dermatology Services, a section of http://www.skinsite.com dedicated to various skin treatments and procedures.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 27 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne- Does Rubbing Alcohol Help?

Recently I cam across a question about acne. Someone wanted to know if rubbing alcohol would cure acne. Such ideas about acne are widespread. It is not only rubbing alcohol, but also whites of eggs, toothpaste, tanning and other miracle cures for acne. Let us find out if rubbing alcohol will help.

Acne- why it forms?

Once you understand why acne forms, you can decide what will help. Because of hormonal changes in the body, the sebaceous glands that are always open start getting blocked. Because of this block the sebum that is produced by the glands gets accumulated inside the gland. This is the beginning of acne. If the gland were open the sebum would have gone out on the skin. We now have a gland that is everyday getting bigger with more sebum. The bacteria P.acnes loves this sebum and begins multiplying in the gland. This infects the gland. Now we have a gland that is full of sebum, dead cells and bacteria. The body sends white cells to fight the bacteria. So pus also gets inside the gland. This inflating gland that is called a pimple, bursts when it can no more hold the matter inside. You land up with acne scar.

Acne- treatment

the acne treatment is directed towards keeping the gland open, reducing sebum production, and killing the multiplying bacteria. If one can take steps to treat all these three issues the acne will get cured. Rubbing alcohol will only kill any bacteria that are present on the skin. It will not help in keeping the gland open or reducing the sebum production. It is also doubtful about how much alcohol will reach inside the acne and kill the bacteria there. It is therefore not advised to try treating acne with rubbing alcohol.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 26 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Home Remedies To Help You Get Clear Skin Quickly

Acne is a complicated problem to suffer with and the solution can often be difficult to find. Each day more people are resorting to natural acne treatments to help them to get rid of their acne. Many of these treatments can even be made right from your home using all natural ingredients.

This is great because the side effects tend to be less when you use natural ingredients versus products that have harsh chemicals added to them or prescription drugs. Here are a few acne home treatments you can use to help you to reduce or even eliminate your acne.

Carrot Juice:

Making fresh carrot juice could be very effective in reducing your acne. It is rich in skin enhancing nutrients. Make sure that the carrot you consume is freshly made. There are now many fresh fruit juice stores you can go to that will use commercial juicers and make the juices for you fresh right then and there.

Perhaps the best option is to invest in a good quality juicer of your own and make the juices yourself. It is often best to use organic carrots as regular carrots contain many artificial chemicals and pesticides that could make your acne worse.

Eat Fruits And Vegetables:

Consuming a healthy diet can make a huge difference to your acne. Make sure that your diet is rich in fruits and vegetables and if you can use a juicer to make your juices fresh because this way you get much more nutrition faster and easier. Consume lots of green vegetables as they have great detoxifying properties on your body.

Many people believe that excessive toxins in your body are partly responsible for causing and making acne worse. Fruits and vegetables are very good at cleansing your internal systems.

Green Drinks:

Green drinks are simply whole food concentrates that you usually mix with some water before drinking. The advantage of a green drink is that it is rich in green foods that are alkaline and have the effect of neutralizing and cleansing your internal systems which as discussed above can help to reduce your acne.


Reducing stress is an important part of any natural acne treatment program. Many people believe that stress can make acne worse. Meditation is one of the best ways to reduce stress. A simple meditation exercise is to concentrate on the breath. All you need to do is put your mental attention on your breath as you inhale and then exhale.

If you find other thoughts entering your mind simply return your mental focus on your breath. Do this for five to ten minutes a day or whenever you feel you need to relieve some stress. Over time the distractions will lessen and you will find it easier to get to that peaceful quiet state of mind.

Salt Water:

Make a solution of salt water and gently wash your face with it. This will help to remove oil from your face and will not irritate your acne.


Make a fresh paste of fenugreek leaves and apply it to your entire face for about 15 minutes and then rinse off with warm water. This will help to fight acne and also blackheads and you get the added benefit of reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

Lemon And Rose Water:

You need to get the juice of one lemon and then mix it with an equal amount of rose water then put this solution on your face and let it stay for 20 to 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

There are many acne home remedies you can try and it is easy to get overwhelmed. Pick one that you think will work best and stick with it for at least 2 to 3 weeks before you decide whether or not it is working. Remember that acne is a very complex problem so do not get discouraged if a particular acne treatment is not working. Keep learning more about potential new solutions and keep an open mind. Do not give up because the next acne treatment you try could make all the difference.

Shakil is an internet researcher and author. He is a regular contributor to a site on acne treatments. Be sure to visit and learn more about natural acne treatments too.

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วันพุธที่ 25 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Scar Treatments - Get Rid of Acne Scars Easily

The Perils of Acne

Acne is a skin condition faced by teens and adults. It is predominantly caused by the clogging of oil glands and the resulting inflammation. For some, it is not just a matter of having pimples on the face but a potentially disfiguring condition. Acne often leaves scars on the face. Remember, your mom telling not to squeeze that annoyingly ripe-looking pimple sitting on your nose? She was right.

Then, what should we do? What are we going to make the scars go away? And how do we stop acne from making our lives so difficult? How do we start acne scar treatment?

Getting In Touch With Mother Earth

It is not a hippy or flower-power thing. Getting in touch with Mother Earth is a healthy and wholesome way. And Mother Earth has some helpful tips and suggestions for all types of problems, including acne scar treatment.

One good way to start working hand-in-hand with Mother Earth is going the natural or herbal way. This method is gentle and non-invasive. Furthermore, you will get to know the benefits of herbs and plants.

So, what does Mother Earth has to say about acne scar treatment? Listen to her wisdom


Water makes up seventy per cent of Mother Earth. And water is essential to the physical well being of every living being. The skin of your body is also made up of water and it is important to drink a lot of water to keep your skin (including the skin of your face) well hydrated.

Remember to wash your face regularly with clean water. Clean water also cools the inflammation and keeps scarring at bay.


Look around you. You are surrounded with lush plants and greenery. They are soothing to your senses... and they might also play an important role in acne scar treatment.

There are some herbs and plants that might be suitable for treating unsightly acne scars as well as keep them from forming.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a good plant to use, especially to cool or reduce the inflammation caused by acne. It is also known for its gentle healing properties when it comes to scars, caused by either acne or other skin irritations. The liquid mucous substance that oozes out when you cut the tip of an aloe vera stalk is thought to reduce swelling and fights bacteria. Apply it to the scars regularly. It also reduces the oily secretions on the skin and acts as a good prevention against acne.


Lavender smells heavenly. It is known to be good to stop scarring as well. Just use two drops of lavender essential oil and mix it with almond oil. Use medical gauze with this mixture and apply on the scars nightly.

Dandelion Root

For many people, the dandelion is a garden and yard pest. Yet, dandelion is known to be an edible herb, rich with nutrients. Dandelion root is great for acne scar treatment as it reduces toxicity and improves skin condition. It is a great purifier of the bloodstream. You can find dandelion root extracts in tablet or pill form.


Known as a revered Ayurvedic herb, neem is a tree found in India. It has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. Neem can be used either in oil or powder form and is known to improve skin elasticity. You can also use neem powder to wash your face.

Tea Tree

The Tea Tree is found in Australia. It is anti-septic and anti-fungal. Mix two drops of tea tree oil with almond oil. Apply on affected skin/scars with medical gauze. Tea tree is also an effective acne scar treatment.

Onwards To Healing

Going herbal is a good way to start working closely with Mother Earth and her wisdom. For people with acne (and scarring) problems, the herbal route might be a suitable alternate as it is gentle and non-medical in nature. Some herbs are known to reduce the swelling and the scarring caused by acne. They are beneficial to the body's physical well-being.

If you want to know more, just type in 'herbal acne scar treatment' into your search engine of choice. Always carry out some research before you embark on any healing process. It pays to know more information.

Always remember: Wash your face and do not pick your acne, even if it is ripe and tempting you to squeeze it.

Dr John Anne is an herbal specialist with years of experience and extensive research on herbs and alternative health. If you are looking for more information, read about Remove Acne Scar at http://www.ayurvediccure.com/acne/acne-herbal-treatment.html AyurvedicCure.com is the World's Largest Alternative Health Portal. You can also Participate in Health Questions & Answers, Discussion Forums and Blogs. Also visit Remove Blackheads to get rid of Blackheads Permanently

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วันอังคารที่ 24 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Stop Acne - Causes, Treatments & Acne Prevention

Acne [Acne Vulgaris] is a skin disease caused blockage in the pilosebaceous units. Pilosebaceous unit is a structures consisting of a hair follicle and a sebaceous gland with its duct. Acne lesions are commonly known as pimples, spots, or zits.

Acne is predominant during adolescence, frequently persisting even in adulthood. Meaning, acne decreases in intensity as age advances to clear by the person reaches adulthood, however this is not rule per se since some do continue to suffer even during adulthood.

The term acne comes from a corruption of the Greek ¬κμ® (acme in the sense of a skin eruption) in the writings of Aëtius Amidenus.

The most common sites are face and neck. The other sites are chest, back and shoulders.

There are 2 main forms of acne:

1. open comedo (blackhead)

2. closed comedone. (whitehead).

Causes of acne

The main pathology is blockage of the pilosebaceous.Hyperkeratinization and formation of a plug of keratin and sebum (a microcomedo) are the earliest changes. The microcomedo may enlarge to form an open comedo or closed comedo. In these conditions Propionibacterium acnes a naturally occurring largely commensual bacteria causes infection which eventually leads to scarring.

Primary causes

· Family/Genetic history.

· Hormonal activity, such as menstrual cycles and puberty. During puberty, an increase in androgens cause the sebaceous glands enlarge and secrete more sebum.

· Stress

· Use of anabolic steroids.

· Exposure to certain chemical compounds.

· Hygiene: poor hygiene

· Diet

1. Milk

2. Seafood: often contains relatively high levels of iodine which is known to make existing acne worse

3. High carbohydrates/High Gycemic index

4. Vitamins A and E: lower levels associatied with increased chances of acne

Available treatments:

Most available drugs act in one of the following way

· hormonal manipulation

· normalising shedding into the pore to prevent blockage

· killing P. acnes

· antinflammatory effects

A combination of drugs is preffered. Topical bactericidals widely available Over the counter [OTC] drugs containing benzoyl peroxide are popular. The gel or cream containing benzoyl peroxide is rubbed, twice daily, into the pores over the affected region. Benzoyl peroxide also kills P.acnes. It is a strong oxidizer and doesn't have any bacterial resistance. It causes dryness, local irritation and redness.

Other antibacterials are


chlorhexidine gluconate

Topical antibiotics




kill the bacteria that are present in the blocked follicles.

Oral antibiotics:





Hormonal treatments

Topical retinoids

tretinoin (brand name Retin-A),

adapalene (brand name Differin)

tazarotene (brand name Tazorac

Oral retinoids


Photodynamic therapy

Laser treatment:

· to burn away the follicle sac from which the hair grows

· to burn away the sebaceous gland which produces the oil

· to induce formation of oxygen in the bacteria, killing them

Other treatment options

· Aloe vera:,

· Haldi (Turmeric),

· Papaya.

· Heat: local heating may be used to kill the bacteria in a developing pimple and so speed healing.

· Ibuprofen or Naproxen are used for some moderate acne.

· Nicotinamide, (Vitamin B3) used topically in the form of a gel.

· Rofecoxib

· Zinc: Orally administered zinc gluconate.

· Honey: One of the strongest naturally occurring antibiotics. When placed on the skin like a mask for 20 minutes and washed off with hot water, the results over the next day should be pleasing.

There are however natural treatments that seem to be proving successful, these basically work by adjusting the bodies balance naturally using certain diets and foods, for many this seems a positive approach to the treatment of acne.

There is more information on Natural Acne Treatments on my blog

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วันจันทร์ที่ 23 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Home Remedies for Acne Scars

Home remedies for acne scars exist for those who have embarrassing scarring following a breakout and do not want to deal with an expensive and painful surgical procedure. Although there is no foolproof way of completely eliminating the scars, there are ways to lessen the severity and create a more even-toned appearance.

Acne is a condition where the pores become clogged, preventing the natural oils from escaping to the surface of the skin the way they are supposed to. This buildup under the skin becomes infected as it mixes with bacteria that is naturally present beneath the skin's surface. Severe cases of cystic acne or less severe acne that has ruptured can cause scarring. The sensitive tissue and cells in your face become torn and the scar is formed as a part of the healing process.

If this happens you will want to know how to lighten red acne scars so that you can restore your skin to its normal condition. You might want to speak to your dermatologist first to see what your options are. Common methods for fading acne scars that they may recommend are: dermabrasion, collagen injections, and laser treatment. Dermabrasion is a painful procedure that is done under local anesthetic. The dermatologist will remove surface skin, which may leave your pigmentation uneven and require more than one treatment. Collagen injections may cause an allergic reaction and the results are only temporary. The most controversial option is laser treatment because it has yet to be determined what the long-term side effects will be.

Since all of these methods come with potential complications, many people like to try natural ways of fading acne scars before considering medical procedures.

There are existing home remedies for acne scars that are safe and effective. Collagen is a natural substance that is found within the body already. There are many different face washes that increase the amount of collagen to reduce wrinkles and make skin appear younger. These work effectively in reducing the appearance of acne scars as they make the tissues in the face fuller. If your concern is learning how to lighten red acne scars, you might want to try Vitamin E oil on your skin. For some people this has been effective method for fading acne scars over time.

Home remedies for acne scars are cheaper, safer, and in many cases just as effective as invasive procedures done in a doctor's office. It's just a matter of finding the one that works for you.

The best part about natural treatments is that because they are usually a mix of of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, herbal extracts and other nutrients, you don't have to be concerned about side effects as you would be with a surgical treatment or prescription medication.

Knowing how to lighten red acne scars with natural treatments can be helpful to those who were under the impression that a costly visit to the dermatologist was the only option. For severe acne scarring, you may just need a more powerful treatment, but for mild to moderate cases, home remedies for acne scars just may be the solution.

David Bloom is an avid health enthusiast and a regular contributor to a variety of health websites. He is the author of Natural Acne Remedies, a blog dedicated to the treatment of acne, covering conventional and natural remedies for clearing up blemished skin.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Butt Acne - How to Keep Your Rear Clear

Most people realize that acne is probably the most common skin problem people face. And most people have dealt with acne at some time in their life, usually in adolescence although many adults suffer from acne as well. And while most people deal with acne breakouts on their face, it can actually affect any are of the body, including the neck, the back and even your buttocks. And though it might sound uncommon, butt acne is a serious problem for many people.

Butt acne is much like facial acne or other forms of acne, both in terms of how it forms, the embarrassment it can cause and the variety of ways it can be treated. In general, it is usually caused by glands in the skin producing excess oil. This overproduction of oil can eventually block the follicles causing blemishes. This is similar to what happens with facial and other forms of acne also. In addition, aggressive growth of bacteria on that part of the body can lead to clogged follicles, causing the same result.

The presence of butt acne can actually be a sign of a more serious acne problem so those with severe acne elsewhere should keep an eye out for outbreaks in this region as well. However, you should also consider whether or not the cause of the acne is actually a reaction to your laundry detergent or other products you might use when washing or drying your clothes. In some cases, this is found to be the culprit, leading to an easy solution.

There is definitely hope for people dealing with this sort of problem though. Since the causes of butt acne are similar to other forms of acne, it only makes sense that the treatments would be similar as well. If you already have acne treatments for other forms of acne, it's worth giving those a shot first since they will hopefully produce the same results on other parts of the body.

If this happens to be your first acne outbreak, you should start trying one of the many acne-fighting remedies available to see what works for you (this might take some trial and error since some people get different results).

Finally, if the legions are too painful or irritated, it's time to bring in the help of a professional, either going straight to your dermatologist or through a general practitioner first if you have to.

Whatever you do, and as is always the case with any form of acne, try to avoid picking at the acne or squeezing the lesions. This is known to cause acne to spread and cause scarring also. The situation is no different with butt acne.

FACT: Acne affects 90% of people worldwide. Why are some people able to stop acne dead in its tracks while others continue to suffer? Discover how you can quickly and easily treat acne, prevent acne outbreaks and get the clear skin you deserve by visiting RemediesForAcne.com

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วันเสาร์ที่ 21 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Myths - The 4 Popular Myths About Acne

The world is filled with people who spread rumors, and most of them are baseless. they are spread so there is something to talk about even though there is no logic nor does the news make any sense. Experts immediately find ways of putting these to rest, especially when connected to medical conditions. For something as simple as acne, there are numerous rumors and myths floating about. Some of these have no basis, and not scientifically proven and Doctors and dermatologists who are qualified try throwing light on these issues to protect the patients' interests.

Some of the most popular myths about acne are,

1. Acne is caused because of stress

This statement is only partly true, stress is not a sole cause for acne, but it does trigger acne and at times when the boil gets aggravated it could be due to high stress. When a person is stressed out, his body increases sebaceous glands functioning which leads to excretion of oil. For a lady who is trying to conceive, she might worry each day about whether she is pregnant or would she ever get pregnant or not. This will add to stress that builds up inside her system and is released in the form of acne.

If , on the other hand, a women wants to put off getting pregnant and begin using oral contraceptives, they should consult their doctor to understand the effects and benefits of the same before taking them. In order to prevent acne, people are often advised to get involved in some activity that will help control the stress levels and keep them relaxed.

2. Food items leads to acne

There are no direct connections between food and acne, and this has been a research for quite sometime now. However, if a person adopts eating of regulated healthy diet, their skin condition is known to be better than others. For people who rely on fast food, French fries, aerated drinks, greasy oily food or even eat out regularly, the amount of oil extracted will lead to acne or pimples frequently.

3. Cosmetics connected to cases of Acne

A small zit on our face wrecks our life and spoils our day, and we will not rest till we have found a solution. All it does is hampers the looks, and leads to scars. This cannot classify acne as a cosmetic based disease. However, excessive use of cosmetics and make up will cause acne, when the person does not know the proper method of applying and removing the make up. They need to understand that their skin too like them needs fresh air, and this is possible only by washing their face before going to bed after a party.

4. Dirt and grime leads to acne

Dirt will not directly lead to acne, but it might be the reason if there is too much dirt or grime on the skin and it gets mixed with the oil secreted. When the follicles on the skin cells get blocked, it leads to acnes.

Author is the webmaster of Acne Products and Acne Treatment. Download Free Acne Ebook here.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 20 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Tips On Acne Scar Treatment - How To Treat Acne Scars Naturally

Most of us have experienced acne at some point of our lives. However, for some people, acne is something that they have to deal with on a daily basis. If not treated properly, acne can remain persistent and leave ugly marks whenever the old ones are healed. Let us take a look at some basic skincare regimen that will help to keep acne at bay.

The most basic skincare regimen one can do is to cleanse the face well. However that does not mean using harsh products that strip off all the natural oils on your skin. Cleansing is a very important part of skincare and you should choose a cleanser that is suitable for your skin type while at the same time cleanses thoroughly and is gentle on the skin.

After cleansing, you should also exfoliate your skin at least once a week. Exfoliation aids in removing dead skin cells and helps to promote skin cell renewal. You can choose to use scrubs or lotion as exfoliates.

Next is to use a cream or lotion that is specifically for the acne. Some treatments contain very harsh ingredients. You can try to start with acne products that are more natural. An acne system like the Zenmed acne treatment kit produces excellent results for treating acne while at the same time remains gentle enough to the skin. This system is also one of the best for natural treatment.

After you have applied your acne products, you will still need to apply moisturizer. Many people make the mistake of not using moisturizer because they think it causes acne. Applying moisturizer is one of the most important things in your skincare regimen. It helps to heal and promote healthy skin. The point is to choose the right moisturizer that is suitable for your acne skin.

Treating acne does not need to be abrasive. As a matter of fact, with the advancement of technology and skincare products, using natural acne treatment is the best way to treat it.

Are you plague by acne woes? Learn to remove ugly marks with acne scar natural treatment methods. Click Here To Find Out More You can also read more on this article: http://EzineArticles.com/?id=963954

Angela Neo is lifestyle writer and internet marketer. She has written on numerous online publications on subjects like fitness, weight loss, fashion, skincare and lifestyle. She runs a website on natural acne cure at http://www.acnescarnaturaltreatment.org

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 19 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Remedies That Work

Whether you're a teenager with so-called spotty skin, or an adult with facial blemishes, acne can strike at any age. Although there are many kinds of treatment available both in shops and over the counters at pharmacies, many people are unaware that there is also a multitude of home remedies that can be used to combat acne. From herbal to homeopathic, and even everyday vitamins, the choice is bigger than you think.

One of the easiest, and also one of the safest, forms of remedies is via vitamins. Depending on availability, you can use either vitamin A or E, or a more specialized form, such as niacin. If you are using this type of acne remedy, check with your pharmacist or doctor with regard to the safe dosage. Another vitamin that can be used is vitamin C, with a water-soaked citrus peel being placed onto the required area proving quite effective.

One of the most often ignored, yet successful, types of acne remedy is normal household garlic. By taking fresh cloves and rubbing them over your skin as you would a facial cloth or sponge, it's an excellent substitute for actual acne cream or ointment, and people who have tried this method have seen their skin clear up in a reasonably short time. Eating garlic is another good tool in battling acne, as it helps to keep your blood stream clean, thus avoiding any dirty pores.

Aloe vera is also easy to come by in the home, and is one of the more soothing methods you can use. Since it is a soothing derivative usually found in after shave balm or cleanser, it shouldn't give you any inflammatory reaction, either. By rubbing it into your face in the morning and before you go to bed, it will offer improved skin complexion as well as help to reduce the effects of the acne itself. Even better, if you have an actual aloe vera plant, the leaf can be rubbed on the face for good results, too.

Although many sufferers are advised not to expose their skin to excessive heat, a home sun bed can actually help benefit an acne complaint. As long as it's used in moderation and under professional instruction, it works by drying the skin and therefore killing the bacteria that causes acne in the first place. Another remedy with heat being used as a source of relief is a hot bath filled with normal Epsom salts, which you can buy from any good drugstore or supermarket.

Although specialized creams and ointments are usually the best methods to dealing with this frustrating affliction, you shouldn't discount home remedies if you're an acne sufferer. Not only are they cheaper, they can sometimes yield quicker results, and to anyone who's had acne, that's the only thing that really matters at the end of the day.

Ken Black is the owner of Acne Treatments 101. Visit us right away for a list of 7 excellent free Home Remedies For Acne.

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วันพุธที่ 18 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Scar Products

Experts agree, picking at your acne to make it go away is a bad idea. Picking leaves scars that may never heal. Better to keep your hands in your pockets and find a product to do the job.

There are plenty: Clearasil Clearstick, Kelo-Cote, Neutrogena Oil-free Acne Wash, Neutrogena Men Skin Cleaning Face Wash, Neutrogena Clear Pore Treatment, Neutrogena On-the-Spot Acne Treatment Vanishing Formula, Proactive Solution Acne Treatment, Klear Action Acne Treatment System, and Dermaclear. Many contain Benzoyl peroxide and Salicylic acid, excellent for unclogging blocked pores and killing germs. Sulfur lotions also reduce and check acne formation. And Retinoid, which is a variant of Vitamin C and available in creams, can be used to remove scars.

Besides these essential ingredients, scar-removing Dermaclear also contains Laurel Sulphate; Tartaric Acid, which improves skin quality; Allantoin, to reduce dryness; and 8 HO Quinoline, to fade scars.

Burt’s Bees Doctor Herbal Blemish Stick with Tea Tree Oil and Zia Natural Skincare Acne Treatment Mask are natural ways to combat acne scars. Enriched with Tea Tree Oil, an excellent shield against germs and bacteria, the these products reduce the appearance of blemishes. ZEN MED Scar and Hyperpigmentation Treatment Kit consists of ZEN MED Dermabrasion Complex with active ingredients Green Tea and Comfrey, and ZEN MED Skin Eraser for fading blemishes. Syprex and Sycream Scar Cream, Stretch Mark Cream, and Alpha Lipoic Acid also help erase scars, while Derma e Microdermabrasion Scrub lifts dead cells to make scars appear lighter.

So rest assured, there are many products available to help you make acne scarring a memory.

Acne Care provides detailed information about acne care, acne care skin tips, acne skin care centers, and more. Acne Care is affiliated with Acne Skin Care.

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วันอังคารที่ 17 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Cure - 5 Herbs Helpful in Acne Cure

The acne industry is an insatiable one. It creates so called "new acne products" almost every day with no intention other than to make scorching piles of money playing with people's emotions and trust. People still go on searching for acne cures endlessly.

Each and every month people spend spends a small fortune paying their 'acne bills'; the cost of trying to clear their acne filled skin is high. The products people usually try are general cleansers and other topicals products. People in desperation even try fasting on apples for three days and this also does not pay them any worth.

Well there are some herbs that are extremely helpful in relieving people from there acne and skin problems. These herbs purify the blood stream of toxins by enhancing liver functioning that is a good cure for acne.

Some of the major herbs for curing acne are:

• Burdock - Burdock is plants of the genus Arctium having dark green leaves that can grow up to 18 inches in height. They are usually large, coarse and ovate, with the lower ones having shape of heart. They are hazy underneath. The leafstalks are generally hollow. These plants normally flower in summers i.e. from July through October.

• Yellow Dock - Yellow Dock or Rumex crispus is used widely in the treatment of chronic skin complaints, especially psoriasis associated with constipation; acne and obstructive jaundice. The anthraquinones have a cathartic action on the bowel, but can act in quite a mild way, maybe tempered by the tannin content. A compress can be used to help soothe itchy skin. The ointment is important for itching, sores, swellings and scruffy eruptions. It is a wonderful acne cure.

• Dandelion Root - the leaves of the plant are very nutrient-rich, and so they make good food supplements for women who are pregnant or elderly women. Dandelion can also be used as a diuretic and can reduce serum cholesterol in some people. The root can be an appetite stimulant and is able to rectify digestive problems. It is very effective in treating skin related problems and acne. It is a good acne cure.

• Red Clover - It is an herbaceous perennial plant, very variable in size, growing to 0.2 to 0.8 m in height. The leaves are alternate, trifoliate (with three leaflets), each leaflet 15 to 30 mm long and 8 to 15 mm broad, green with a characteristic pale semi-circular in the outer half of the leaf; the petiole is 1 to 4 cm long, with 2 basal stipules. The flowers are dark pink with a paler base, 12 to 15 mm long, produced in a dense inflorescence 2 to 3 cm diameter. This herb is considered to be one of the best herb that is very helpful in treating skin related problems especially it is a wonderful cure for acne.

Dr John Anne is a herbal specialist with years of experience in the field of Alternative Health Care. For more information read about Acne Treatment at Natural Remedies website. Also read about Home Remedies for Acne

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วันจันทร์ที่ 16 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne - It's More Than Just Appearance

Oh yes, you remember the days? A happy go lucky kid just enjoying life while waiting to grow up. Then one morning you woke up to a whole new dimension in your life. Looking in that mirror at that big red beamer on your nose made you shudder at the thought of even going to school! A crisis at 12 years old.

Although acne can begin as early as infants, most cases do not develop until puberty. Acne can sometimes start in very subtle ways with just a zit here or a pimple there. Unfortunately for many it can bloom into quite the devilish problem that can potentially leave more than merely zits on your face. Scarring can occur in more severe cases and these can run well beneath the surface of your skin. Acne may start in your early years and for many it disappears as you mature but many times it can follow you well into adulthood. Sometime into your 30's, 40's and beyond

It's important to remember that you are not alone in your condition. Most people, over 80% by some estimates, will become affected by acne or other related skin diseases sometime in their life. Some cases require nothing more than moderate attention while others rage seemingly out of control leaving those afflicted feeling helpless, discouraged and depressed. Don't become one of these. You can control it.

The exact causes of acne can be quite complex depending on the individual but contrary to a lot of information circulating these days the cause of acne is not something that is unknown. Factors involved in the development of acne can range from the stress we deal with on a daily basis and how our bodies react to that stress to environmental issues. Genetics and what we inherit from our ancestors determine our hormone levels, oil production and immune system responses that may influence acne. The products you use on your skin or the amount of time spent in the sun can affect the degree of acne you develop. It is extremely important that you become aware of all the many different players involved in the big picture of acne if you are ever to achieve effective treatment.

Yes, acne is painful. It is discomforting but acne and the side effects that come with it are far more than just the annoying, painful bumps on your skin that people see on the outside. Yes, it is more than just appearance. Severe outbreaks in some individuals can lead them to become socially withdrawn. They experience a loss of self esteem and their self confidence levels can plummet. Frustration can produce feelings of anger and depression and can affect not only themselves but those around them as well. Feelings of embarrassment leads to a preoccupation of what they perceive as a poor body image. Recent studies seem to verify that severe acne cases may be a contributing factor in higher than normal unemployment rates among adults. In teenagers it affects not only their social life but also can become a major factor in their academic life as well. As you can see, acne is quite complex and those who suffer from it will testify to the effects it has had on their lives.

Don't believe ads proclaiming products that cure acne. As of this writing there is no known cure for acne but the good news is that armed with the proper knowledge acne sufferers will find that it can be 100% treatable. If you are an acne sufferer the first thing you need to do is empower yourself with all the latest information and options that medical science is producing nearly daily on this subject. There are products, treatments and various methods available depending on the individual that will help you win the battle over acne. To achieve control you must become proactive. Thousands learn how to improve the quality of their lives everyday and you can too! Learn about the many types of acne that can affect virtually any part of your body. Find out about the myths many people mistakenly believe. See whats new on the medical front about products and procedures and how they can vastly improve your life. You can control acne with the power of suppression. With knowledge comes power and now YOU can have the power!

http://www.AcneMedicineMan.com was developed by Barry Crewse and is one of many sites created on skin care issues. Acne Medicine Man is devoted to helping those achieve radiant skin and improved quality of life. We offer a full line of acne products including our all inclusive Free Skin Care Analysis. It's free and available now. Stop by and learn how you can have healthy, vibrant skin in less time than you think!

Copyright 2007 http://www.Acnemedicineman.com

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne During Pregnancy - Pregnancy Safe Acne Treatments

As millions of women know, the one thing worse than acne is acne during your pregnancy! Doctors recommend thousands of possible treatment options - from prescription pills, topical creams, and even antibiotics. But when they offer these treatments, one important factor is often left out of the equation: the safety of you and baby.

The method by which these medications get exposed to your body is crucial. Oral prescriptions tend to contaminate your system more than creams, gels, and oils. Hence, your fetus has less exposure to these topical ointments than to pills.

One advantage to having so many treatments available is you can easily put together an effective and safe combination - if you have the right knowledge. Here are 4 common treatments which pose less risk to you and baby than the majority of unnatural medications:

Safe Acne Treatments During Pregnancy and Common Medication Side Effects

Benzoyl Peroxide (Benzac, Benzamycin, Beroxyl, Desquam, Triaz, Vanoxide)

Benzoyl peroxide is perhaps the most popular topical treatment for acne. It often comes in 2.5%, 5%, and 10% (maximum strength) solutions. It's oxidation properties make it effective as an antibacterial and exfoliant. Your body takes in about 5 percent of whatever dose you use. Scientific reproductivity studies with Benzoyl Peroxide have not been performed, thus the risk for birth defects is unknown. However, its popularity, lack of negative case reports, and topical nature indicates its overall risk is likely very low in comparison to certain other medications.

Hydrocortisone (Vanoxide-HC; w/ benzoyl peroxide)

Hydrocortisone is a topical steroid commonly prescribed for Acne and similar skin ailments. While most studies conducted have indicated no significant increase in birth defects risk, there was an association with a rise in split palate versus what was predicted in mice. As hydrocortisone is usually used as a topical anti-inflammatory, its chances of increasing birth defects to any noticeable degree are probably low.

Salicylic Acid (Sal Ac, Beta Hydroxy, BHA)

Salicylic acid works by encouraging skin exfoliation. This means pores are less likely to clog with dead skin cells, reducing the conditions for acne formation. Salicylic acid is used topically for acne as an addition to soap and many other products. No studies have been performed for topical salicylic acid in relation to birth defects. Aspirin, an oral salicylic acid, has been associated with bleeding risk if taken late in the pregnancy. This is not cause for concern with a topical dose, however, as only a fraction of it enters your system.

Azelaic Acid (Azelex)

Our final pregnancy safe acne treatment is also topical - in cream form. It works as an antibacterial, helps repair damaged cells, reduces oxidation inflammation, and damage induced pigmentation. While no human studies have been performed, animal science has indicated no significant association with birth defect in normal dosages (about 20% strength). Azelaic acid is found naturally in rye crops - it does not cause clothes bleaching, sun exposure irritation, or bacterial resistance. This makes it perhaps one of the least toxic acne treatments on our list.

There are many acne medications available, and many are associated with a wide range of birth risks during pregnancy. While some of these such as Accutane, Tetracycline, and tretinoin have known dangerous profiles, others like benzoyl peroxide and azelaic acid haven't shown significant problems. Many of you are understandably concerned about what goes into your bodies during pregnancy - the chemical souffle that is today's medical system definitely has its dangers - but there are safe, even natural treatments available to those with the right knowledge.

Acne During Pregnancy? Take No Chances with Your Baby - Learn how to Cure Acne Naturally Now at http://www.AcneExplained.info

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วันเสาร์ที่ 14 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Antibiotics - Everything About Acne Antibiotics

No matter where you are in the world, there is a good chance you have had to deal with some sort of acne in your life. Seeing that this skin condition is so common, there have been various acne antibiotics, pills, and lotions introduced to consumers. Most of the time these antibiotics for acne can treat your acne rather fast, as opposed to doing nothing about it.

Despite the various treatments provide various solutions, the typical acne antibiotics help sooth your skin and protect you from getting acne scars. Most antibiotics for the treatment of acne are taken orally - a method that is proved and relatively safe.

Sometimes dermatologists start by prescribing some sort of topical cystic acne cure, and then move onto oral antibiotics. Oral medications are known to work in 9 out 10 acne cases, since they go after the bacteria that cause acne breakout.

The second type of acne antibiotics are known as systematic antibiotics, which reduce the production of hormones that cause inflammation. The result is a milder case of acne, with reduced pinkness and swelling, and fewer acne scars.

Oral antibiotics typically need to taken for about 5 weeks to see results as long as you follow directions and stick to the prescription. You can start taking less of this acne cure treatment once your acne starts to clear, until no more is taken.

However with cystic acne, it can take up to half a year to be free from acne - but it all depends on what antibiotics you take, the severity of your acne and how well you follow the prescription. If this is the case, you will normally be put on systematic acne antibiotics - that are safer to use for such a lengthy period.

The good thing with oral antibiotics for acne is that they not only improve your skin and complexion, but they improve your confidence too. If you think that over half of Americans suffer from acne, these treatments can help a lot of people feel better about themselves.

But if you do nothing about your acne, you risk permanent damage not only to your skin, but also your self-confidence. That is why getting the right acne antibiotics is crucial to reduce your chances of scarring so that you can heal emotionally too. If you are unfortunate enough to have an acne problem, help is right around the corner.

Before you try anything, speak to a skin specialist about using a pimple or cystic acne cure for your condition, so that in a few weeks you will be on track to clearer skin and improved self-confidence. Now that you know more about acne antibiotics and their effectiveness, you should do what you can to have the skin you always dreamed of.

Discover the best How To Stop Acne solution available, and how you can have picture-perfect skin without the side-effects. Otherwise, read more on acne antibiotics here.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 13 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Water Acne Treatment - Does Drinking Water Really Help Acne?

Drinking water is essential for clean skin and your overall health. The main mistake people make is that they think a water acne treatment on its own is enough to clear their skin. In this article, you can discover why water is important and I'll provide links to resources for tips to ensure you are drinking the right water to help clear your skin better.

The main functions of water:

1. It helps carry toxins to your digestive system to get rid of them efficiently. If you drink enough water, it means that there is less toxins in the body to cause acne break outs.

2. Water is involved in almost all of your bodies processes. If you don't drink enough water, your body doesn't function as well as it could and your immune system isn't as strong to fight of acne causing bacteria.

3. If your water intake is too low then the kidneys don't perform as effectively. The water helps the kidneys dissolve waste so if there isn't enough water some of the waste is excreted through the pores on your skin which can cause acne flare ups.

4. If the kidneys can't function to their full potential they pass some of the burden to the liver. So if the liver has to do some of the kidneys work it can't break down and remove excess hormones from your body as effectively. And this hormonal imbalance can cause acne.

5. If you have constipation then toxins are not removed properly and some will leave through your skin causing acne. Drinking more water can return normal bowel movements which means less toxins will leave through the skin and can improve acne.

Are you drinking the right type of water? Find out more about water for acne at http://www.acnefreenow.co.uk

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Eat Fruit To Cure Acne

Eat fruit to cure and prevent acne

Eating fruit is a very effective way to prevent or cure acne.
As you may know fruit is not only very tasty but also healthy.
The best fruit you can eat to prevent acne is fruit with an orange or red skin.
I think you now already that a balanced diet is very important when it comes to cure acne.
Below you can find seven kinds of fruit that are very effective.
And they have more benefits related to health than just preventing acne.


Eat at least two apples a day they are very effective to clean your skin.
Be sure that you can eat the skin of the apple because most pectin is in the skin it helps with constipation. If you don’t like apples you can make also a fruit juice from the apples but be sure that you mix the skin also. But even if you have already a perfect skin it’s a good idea to eat a few apples a day it reduces the risk of weight loss, hart diseases and it control cholesterol. Or haven’t you heard about the old proverb: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.


A banana is a kind of a probiotic food – it contains live bacteria - just like onions and artichokes, oats and goat’s milk. Eating probiotic fruit helps you to feed the good bacteria.
In stead of eating you can also take a supplement but I’m sure your prefer to eat a banana.
But don’t eat to much bananas in fact one banana a day is already enough.


Grapefruit a sub-tropical citrus tree is a useful source of vitamin c. As you may know vitamin c is a very good vitamin when it comes to skin cleaning. You can also find vitamin c in oranges and in lemons. I have tested this out and they are also excellent to prevent acne.


Strawberries have strong anti acne-activity. Strawberry contains alpha-hydroxy acid it slough of dead skin cells. This way new youthful skin cells are revealed.


Personally cherries are my favourite fruit. Not only are they purifying the bleed but they also contain a lot of vitamins. Vitamin A, a proven vitamin to cure acne and vitamin C. Did you know that cherries are also helpful for a good night sleep.


Papaya native to the tropics of America is an effective ingredient when it comes to skin care.
Eating papayas – which contains enzymes - is a good way to rejuvenating and repairing the skin.


This is the last sort of fruit that I will describe here. The most effective way to cure acne with lemons is not by drinking the juice, it’s very better, but to apply lemon juice on your acne spots.

Now you know seven fruit sorts that are effective to prevent or even cure acne. You don’t have any reason know to not try it out. And even if you don’t have acne it won’t hurt your body.

Frederik writes about acne on his blog you can read a lot of acne tips You can find information about different kinds of acne

The relationship of acne and food and also common acne myths


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วันพุธที่ 11 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Scar Removal Surgery

Acne scar removal surgery is one way of treating the scars left behind from acne. Acne scar removal surgery can be done by your dermatologist.

If you are considering acne scar removal surgery be sure to do some research. Before you have acne scar removal surgery check out the doctor and the treatments available.

Some things your doctor will consider before acne scar removal surgery are your age and health as well as the type and severity of the scars. Before acne scar removal surgery your doctor may also need to know how you tolerate certain meds and procedures.

One type of acne scar removal surgery is called dermabrasion. When dermabrasion is used the top layers of skin are removed with a machine. This type of acne scar removal surgery should produce skin that appears smoother.

Another kind of acne scar removal surgery is the chemical peel. A chemical peel is an acne scar removal surgery procedure where the top layer of skin is removed chemically as the name implies. The skin regenerates after a chemical peel and often the appearance of the skin is improved.

Laser resurfacing is a type of acne scar removal surgery that uses a high-energy light to burn away acne-damaged skin. This acne scar removal surgery is used to minimize fine scars.

Punch grafts are an acne scar removal surgery that is used for deep acne scars. When this acne scar removal surgery is used, unscarred skin is used to replace skin that is scarred with acne.

The best acne scar removal surgery for you will be the one that you and your doctor decide on together.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Clear-Skin-Solutions.com. He provides more acne clearing solutions, remedies and acne skin care products that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

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วันอังคารที่ 10 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne - What Causes Acne?

There are many myths and misconceptions about what exactly causes acne. Most people mistakenly believe that it is oily skin that produces acne, or worse, unclean skin or oily hair. None of this is true. In fact, acne begins on the interior of the body - not the exterior.

While there are many causes of acne, the biggest culprit is the production of too much sebum. Sebum is meant to moisturize and protect the skin, but when hormones start to change - such as when puberty sets in - too much sebum may be produced. When this happens, cells that are close to the surface of the skin become blocked and fill up with oil, which brings on bacteria, which eventually causes that particular area of the skin to become inflamed.

Now, that inflammation can present itself in various ways, depending on where it occurs. If the excess oil makes it really close to the surface of the skin, it becomes what we call a whitehead. If that whitehead is oxidized, it becomes a blackhead. If the oil is deep in the skin, it could become a cyst. If the oil is close enough to the surface, but not close enough to become a whitehead, it will become a pustule. If it is a bit further away from the skin, it causes a pimple.

Although it was always thought to be a myth, we now know that acne does have some genetic qualities, meaning that it can actually be inherited. We also know that while stress doesn't cause acne, severe stress can bring on an outbreak in people who already have acne. Hormonal changes can also bring on acne, because the sebum production is increased. Generally, if cosmetics cause acne, it is due to an allergic reaction to the cosmetic.

It is a proven myth that food does not cause acne - not chocolate, not pizza, not fried foods. It has also been proven that dirt is not the cause of acne. These two myths have been researched for years, and the findings are undeniable. Again, acne starts on the inside, with the overproduction of sebum. There are certain things that can create an atmosphere where there is an overproduction of sebum as well - such as extreme stress.

For more information about ACNE, visit the popular blog at http://newinfopost.com/acne1

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