วันจันทร์ที่ 25 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Natural Acne Treatment For Your Skin

Acne is an embarrassing problem affecting both adults and teens today at ever increasing rates. Many of the prescription and over the counter treatments sold for this condition treat only the surface symptoms without ever addressing the underlying causes. In the long run, these treatments can actually make acne worse by suppressing the symptoms, drying the skin and causing further imbalances. Many of these treatments are expensive and have very serious side effects as well.

Natural acne remedies are less expensive and more effective than prescription medications in treating this common problem. Most are made of plant extracts that dry up pimples and soothe the skin. For example, tea tree oil has been used for thousands of years as a natural antibacterial and acne treatment with great success. Many other natural acne treatments contain grapeseed oil, vitamin E, calendula and aloe vera. Applied topically, these extracts have soothing and drying effects on the breakouts.

Acne can also be treated with dietary changes. Most importantly, drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water per day flushes toxins from the system and hydrates the body. Limiting processed foods and substituting whole foods including plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains also has benefits for the skin.

Adding a good multivitamin to your daily regimen will also help your body beat acne “from the inside out.” Vitamin A, B, C, E, chromium and zinc are all vital for healthy skin. Azelaic acid, available in your health foods store, restricts keratin production and helps beat acne, with results that rival benzyl peroxide and retin A.

Since many of today’s prescription medications are harsh and carry the risk of devastating side effects, why not try a natural acne treatment? Not only will you save time and money, but your skin will thank you as well.

Kathelene Capelle is a writer for beauty tips and advice. She believes in harnessing one's inner and outer beauty for self confidence and attainment to the fullest potential. Her aim is to help others in need of information for acne-free and good skin. Read more articles, tips and resources on her site at http://www.acne-and-skin-care.com

[tags]acne treatment, natural acne treatment, acne[/tags]
