วันจันทร์ที่ 25 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Pizza Doesn't Cause Acne, Does It

Dairy consumption has been positively linked to acne for many teenagers and adults. There have been numerous studies proving this association, including a portion of the landmark Nurses Health Study involving 47,355 women in 1998. Unfortunately, the reasons behind this milk-acne connection are much less concrete.

Regardless, the facts are that thousands of people have given up dairy foods only to have their acne magically disappear. The results these people have seen speak for themselves and they need no particular explanation. For those of you who are still hesitant on the trial and error method, here are a few different theories behind their success:

  • Milk Allergies – Like eczema, acne is an inflammatory skin condition, and can be a byproduct of food allergies. In fact, it is believed that food allergies, particularly dairy and gluten, are the top aggravator of acne. Since acne does take time to come and go, and many food allergy reactions are delayed, about two weeks off of a suspect food is typically required to begin noticing results.
  • Hormones – Of course, the teenager with raging hormones and raging zits, it is an all to common site. Hormones are a well-accepted reason for acne within the dermatologic community. It has been estimated that 75% to 90% of milk and milk products on our shelves comes from pregnant cows due to the milking process. This milk contains progesterone and other hormones that are known precursors to DHT, the primary acne-producing hormone in humans. These hormones are carried primarily in the butterfat, and are known to make frequent appearances in milk, cheese, and butter. You mean pizza may be back on the acne list? Dermatologists are split on this issue, but past research shows a strong likelihood.
  • Nutrients – Back in the 1960’s, Dr. Jerome K. Fisher conducted a clinical study on the cause and effect relationship of milk and acne for a presentation to the American Dermatological Association. His research looked at over 1000 teenage acne patients over a 10-year period. He quickly noted that the severity of their acne and whether it worsened was directly correlated to their milk consumption. Along with the hormones in milk, Dr. Fisher hypothesized that milk sugar (lactose) and butterfat could be acne triggers. It has also been found that milk can contain excessive quantities of iodine (may vary by herd), a well-known pore irritator and aggravator of acne.

Most dermatologists recognize the crucial role that diet plays in skin conditions, and many site milk products as the top food culprit of acne. Dairy elimination may not be the solution for everyone, but something so simple to get rid of acne is definitely worth a shot!

ฉ Go Dairy Free (2005) - http://www.godairyfree.org/facts/conditions/acne.aspx

Our Mission

To enhance the lives of millions of people

To offer real world strategies and guides for living dairy free

To educate the population on the benefits of a dairy-free diet

To promote dairy free alternatives

To encourage healthy dietary habits

GoDairyFree.org was written and published by Superstar Life, Inc., a company centered on life management, growth, and enhancement. If you have any questions, or would like to submit a testimonial, recipes, or useful information, please email info@godairyfree.org

[tags]dairy, acne, cheese, milk, dairy-free,[/tags]

Over The Counter Cures For Acne

There are tons of cures for acne on the market.

A quick trip to your local drug store or discount store will result in aisles packed with lotions, washes, creams, and potions that will work to rid your face of embarrassing blemishes and ensure you body’s largest organ is healthy and gorgeous.

Many individuals are hesitant to try these over the counter cures for acne, since they feel the best results must come with prescription medications.

This could not be further from the truth, since many over the counter items feature the same medications as prescriptions, only in a weaker form.

Often, individuals with super sensitive skin or with mild cases of skin problems find prescription medications are too powerful and do more harm than good.

If you are tackling a problem with skin blemishes, pay a visit to a dermatologist.

He or she will be able to suggest several cures for acne, many of which are available without the need for a prescription.

Skin blemishes are easily controllable and should not be allowed to rule your life.

Most adolescents and teens experience problems with acne sometime or another in their lives and the physical marks can be emotionally painful and wreck a person’s self esteem.

Instead of waiting for the problem to clear up on its own, check out any of the fantastic acne products that can be found everywhere you look!

From old standbys like Noxema, which has been around for ages to the newest addition to acne fighters, ProActiv Solution, there are a ton of options that are sure to fit your specific issues and skin type.

Acne fighting products should be used for at least four weeks before you expect to see your skin’s blemishes disappear.

This is not an overnight process and your skin needs to be worked back into health before you can enjoy the benefits of clear skin.

Many adolescents do not give the items enough time to work and their skin suffers from bouncing between a variety of different over the counter treatments.

Take time to treat your skin and stick to a treatment plan.

This way, your skin will be fresh and new without any embarrassing blemishes!

'Discover more articles and information regarding acne and skin treatments', find some Acne Alternative Treatments

[tags]cures for acne,adolescents,products[/tags]

New Accutane Requirements

Starting January 1, 2006 people with severe acne who need Accutane (isotretinoin), must enroll in the FDA’s new iPLEDGE program through a physician who is also enrolled.

In an effort to reduce the number of birth defects caused by isotretinoin, these new rules require anyone involved in the use or distribution of Accutane to be registered in iPLEDGE and to abide by its reporting requirements.

Specifically, users of Accutane (or any other drug containing isotretinoin) must do the following:


* must be registered in iPLEDGE by your doctor, who must also be registered.

* must understand that severe birth defects can occur with use of isotretinoin by a female who could become pregnant.

* must receive and read educational materials with safety information about isotretinoin and about iPLEDGE program requirements.

* must sign an Informed Consent form that contains warnings about the risks of isotretinoin.

* must fill your prescription for isotretinoin within 7 days of your doctor visit.

* must agree to see your doctor every month during treatment for a progress check-up and to get a new prescription for isotretinoin.

Women of childbearing age, in addition:

* must not be pregnant or breast-feeding.

* must have 2 negative pregnancy tests before starting isotretinoin, a negative pregnancy test every month during treatment, and a negative pregnancy test 1 month after treatment has ended.

* must use 2 different forms of birth control at all times unless you agree not to have heterosexual intercourse for 1 month before isotretinoin treatment, during treatment, and for 1 month after treatment has ended.

* must sign a second Informed Consent form with warnings about the risks of birth defects if pregnancy occurs before or during isotretinoin treatment.

* must access the iPLEDGE program on the Internet or by telephone before starting isotretinoin, once a month during treatment, and 1 month after ending treatment to answer questions about program requirements and to enter the 2 forms of birth control you have chosen.

The above is not a complete listing of program requirements.

For more information, visit www.ipledgeprogram.com or telephone 1-866-495-0654.

Visit Ron's website Latest-Acne-Solutions for the lastest research into acne relief.

Copyright 2005 Ron King. This article may be reprinted as long as the resource box is left intact and all links are hyperlinked.

[tags]acne, accutane[/tags]

Nature Healing Method for Acne

The treatment of acne by the administration of salve or ointment does not serve any purpose. They only suppress the action of the sebaceous glands temporarily. In nature cure, the main emphasis is on diet and certain water applications.

To begin with the patient should resort to all fruit diet for about a week. In this regimen, there should be three meals a day, consisting of fresh juicy fruits, such as apples, pears, grapes, grape-fruit, pineapple and peaches. Citrus fruits, bananas, dried, stewed or tinned fruits should not be taken. Unsweetened lemon or plain water,
either hot or cold, should be drunk and nothing else. During this period, warm -water enema should be taken daily to cleanse the bowels and all other measures adopted to eradicate constipation.

After a week of all fruit diet, the patient can gradually adopt a well-balanced diet. Emphasis
should be on raw foods, especially fresh fruits and vegetables, sprouted seeds, raw nuts and
whole grain cereals, especially millet and brown rice. Further shorter periods on the all-fruits for
three days, or so may be necessary at a monthly interval till the condition of the skin improves.
Strict attention to diet is essential for recovery. Starchy, protein and fatty foods, should be
restricted. Meats, sugar, strong tea or coffee, condiments, pickles, refined and processed foods
should all be avoided, as also soft drinks, candies, ice cream and products made with sugar and
white flour.

Two vitamins, namely, niacin and vitamin A have been used successfully to treat acne. The
vitamin therapy which may comprise a niacin, 100 mg. three times daily and vitamin A in large
doses upto 1,50,000 units per day should not exceed one month. Vitamin E is also vitally
important to prevent scarring from acne and in removing old scars.
Another effective remedy in the realm of nutrition that seems to offer new promise of help for
acne is zinc. It has shown dramatic results in some cases. Zinc should be taken in therapeutic
doses of 50 mg. three times a day. After noticeable improvement it can be gradually reduced.

Local Treatment

As regards local treatment, hot fomentation should be applied to open up the pores and squeeze
the waste matter. Then rinse with cold water. Sun and air baths by exposing the whole body to
sun and air are highly beneficial. The healing packs made of grated cucumber, oatmeal cooked
in milk, and cooked, creamed carrots used externally, have been found to be effective.

The orange peel is valuable in the treatment of acne. The peel, pounded well with water on a
piece of stone, should be applied to the affected areas. The lemon has also proved beneficial in
removing pimples and acne . It should be applied regularly.
A teaspoonful of coriander juice, mixed with a pinch of turmeric powder, is another effective
home remedy for pimples and blackheads. The mixture should be applied to the face after
thoroughly washing it, every night before retiring.

The juice of raw potatoes has also proved very valuable in clearing skin blemishes. This
cleansing results from high content of potassium sulphur, phosphorous and chlorine in the
potato. These elements are, however, of value only when the potato is raw as in this state they
are composed of live organic atoms.

A hot Epsom-salt bath twice a week will be highly beneficial in all cases of acne. This bath is
prepared by adding one and a half kg. of Epsom -salt to 50 litres of water having a temperature
of about 100 o F. The patient should remain in the bath from 25 to 35minutes till he perspires
freely. After the bath the patient should cool off gradually.

To learn more about the energy principle in healing, please read:

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[tags]acne,acne treatment,acne treatment alternative,natural acne treatment,acne alternative,pimples[/tags]

Natural Alternatives to Treat Acne

Acne can be caused in teenagers just from the hormonal aspect of being a teen and genetics (that stinks!)

Many products on the market just don't work. That’s because my son tried some of them. Here are some natural remedies you can try with your acne regimen or alone if you don’t have an acne regimen.

To clean your face:

You can use oatmeal and add water. Rub this on your face and let it sit for 15 minutes. Oatmeal is a natural astringent that dries the skin.

Rinse off with water. Get a spray bottle or dab your face with white vinegar or apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar from the health food store has all the enzymes and minerals your face may need. Also the vinegar helps get your skin back to its natural pH.
Don’t worry if it smells vinegary, it will soon fade.

Then if you want to, you can dab some hydrogen peroxide afterwards. By scratching pimples you can cause an infection so the hydrogen peroxide helps. You can use hydrogen peroxide for any pimples that appear open and can get infected.

And stop touching your hair and face during the day! Do this treatment at least 2 x a day.

Here are other treatments you can try.

You can wash your face with a soap like Aveeno. If you use Aveeno, use the pump brand as soap can sit around and start developing bacteria. You can use a cotton ball to clean the oil from the skin with a cooling astringent. You can buy an astringent or use the vinegar.

Using Neosporin - Dad a little Neosporin on pimples and blemishes. The antibiotic helps clear up acne.

Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. Using this as a facial mask helps dry up the excess oils from your face, and dabbing it on pimples to reduce redness and to speed up healing.

Using ReaLemon. Rub the ReaLemon lemon juice over blackheads before going to bed. In the morning, wash of the juice with cool water. Repeat this for several nights and you should see a big improvement in the skin. Also dab ReaLemon on any blemish a few times during the day when you have a chance.

When you break out in pimples, mix 1 tsp of Corn Starch with 1 tsp of ReaLemon lemon juice to make a paste. Apply to the affected areas and then let dry. This treatment eliminates the redness and helps pimples dry up faster.

Remember, always consult your doctor before using any of the above treatments.

Copyright 2005 Fern Kuhn, RN - Specializing in Diabetes



You may reprint this article as long as you keep the links active

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Natural Acne Treatment For Your Skin

Acne is an embarrassing problem affecting both adults and teens today at ever increasing rates. Many of the prescription and over the counter treatments sold for this condition treat only the surface symptoms without ever addressing the underlying causes. In the long run, these treatments can actually make acne worse by suppressing the symptoms, drying the skin and causing further imbalances. Many of these treatments are expensive and have very serious side effects as well.

Natural acne remedies are less expensive and more effective than prescription medications in treating this common problem. Most are made of plant extracts that dry up pimples and soothe the skin. For example, tea tree oil has been used for thousands of years as a natural antibacterial and acne treatment with great success. Many other natural acne treatments contain grapeseed oil, vitamin E, calendula and aloe vera. Applied topically, these extracts have soothing and drying effects on the breakouts.

Acne can also be treated with dietary changes. Most importantly, drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water per day flushes toxins from the system and hydrates the body. Limiting processed foods and substituting whole foods including plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains also has benefits for the skin.

Adding a good multivitamin to your daily regimen will also help your body beat acne “from the inside out.” Vitamin A, B, C, E, chromium and zinc are all vital for healthy skin. Azelaic acid, available in your health foods store, restricts keratin production and helps beat acne, with results that rival benzyl peroxide and retin A.

Since many of today’s prescription medications are harsh and carry the risk of devastating side effects, why not try a natural acne treatment? Not only will you save time and money, but your skin will thank you as well.

Kathelene Capelle is a writer for beauty tips and advice. She believes in harnessing one's inner and outer beauty for self confidence and attainment to the fullest potential. Her aim is to help others in need of information for acne-free and good skin. Read more articles, tips and resources on her site at http://www.acne-and-skin-care.com

[tags]acne treatment, natural acne treatment, acne[/tags]

Natural Acne Treatment

Natural acne treatments are desirable because they have few side effects, are inexpensive, and are effective for many.

There are many natural acne treatments available for purchase. These contain various plant extracts that work to dry up the pimple and sooth the skin. Most of these products contain vitamin E, grapeseed oil, calendula, aloe vera, witch hazel or essential oils. For example, tea tree oil applied to acne has been found to be effective for hundreds of years. An herbal blend that can help with acne consists of equal parts of the herbal extracts of sarsaparilla, yellow dock, burdock, and cleavers. Take half a teaspoon of this blend three times daily.

Maintain a healthy kitchen with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Eat foods containing healthy omega-3 oils such as ground flaxseeds, salmon, and sardines. Drink six to eight large glasses of water a day. Vitamins A, B, C, and E, as well as chromium and zinc, all play a role in reducing and preventing acne. Avoid refined sugar, fried foods, and trans fat (such as milk, milk products, margarine, and any hydrogenated vegetable oils). Some people find that chocolate, caffeine, carbonated beverages, iodized salt, shellfish, wheat and/or milk products aggravate acne.

Stress is popularly thought to be a cause of acne. Yoga, exercise, breathing techniques, biofeedback, massage, and meditation may be beneficial. Chinese, Ayuredic, Tibetan and Japanese herbal medicines can be used to treat acne. Massage is often recommended for people with skin problems. It can help to increase circulation and lymphatic drainage and speed the healing of blemishes.

When shopping for cosmetics and toiletries, look for the phrase ""non-comedogenic"" on the packaging. Avoid heavy foundation makeup. Most acne patients should select powder blushes and eye shadow over cream products because they are less irritating and non-comedogenic.
Never pick, scratch, pop or squeeze acne, especially inflammatory acne or “pustules”.

Acne Treatment Info provides detailed information on the best acne treatments, including laser acne treatment, and scar treatment, as well as adult, natural, home treatment, and more. Acne Treatment Info is the sister site of Microdermabrasion Web.

[tags]acne treatment, laser acne treatment, scar removal[/tags]

Middle Age Women - Acne Be Gone!

For women who have suffered with acne since their teens and they continue to suffer through adulthood. Middle age women take heart! Acne be gone! It will be your time to finally ditch the acne. But in the meantime what causes women to deal with acne for so many years?

Hormonal imbalances are mostly responsible for acne in adult women, and God knows us women have a lot of hormone imbalances! Premenstrual, menses, pregnancy, and child birth all affect our hormones. We spend half our life on the hormone rollercoaster. And with that rollercoaster ride comes the dreaded acne.

If that’s not enough oestrogen and testosterone imbalances can easily occur from stress or medication. Something as simple as having an IUD device or taking Depo Provera, both methods of birth control, can lead to acne.

When the hormones are out of balance your body produces extra sebum which is any oily secretion of the skin. This clogs the pores and causes those dreaded zits.

Some women never have a pimple until they hit their thirties. Talk about a real shock. This usually occurs when they decide it’s time to go off the pill. Birth control helps balance hormones and for many it keeps acne at bay. So it may not be that they were ever immune to acne just that it’s been so long they never realized they would have pimples.

Some vitamins can also cause acne. Vitamin B supplements and Vitamin E creams are known to cause acne break outs. On the other hand taking zinc orally has shown positive effects to eliminate acne in studies.

There are other conditions that are often mistaken for acne. Conditions such as acne rosacea, keratosis, or perioral dermatitis are often confused as acne. If you are unsure what you are dealing with make an appointment to see your dermatologist.

There are three major reasons why adult women suffer from acne: the pill; antibiotics; and vitamin A.

Long term antibiotic use causes us to develop a yeast infection which lowers the body’s immune system and defences which can result in acne.

Vitamin A treatments such as Retinol-A are double edge sword. Initially they can cause outbreaks, but over time they will effectively remove damaged layers of skin including acne scars, as well as get the skin to form collagen which give you younger looking skin.

Interesting by the time women reach their mid 40’s they can almost be guaranteed to become acne free. It’s believed that our female hormones have mellowed some by then, and we aren’t on the hormone rollercoaster anymore. This is a welcome change for many women!

If you’re younger you’ll just have to find an acne medicine that works and wait for your mid 40s to arrive. See there’s something good about being over 40.

The main thing is not to let your acne control your life. There are plenty of treatment options to try and just persist until you find the one that works!

MD Stacener from The Acne Cure has been serving customers for over 20 years, providing valuable information to keep you beautiful and healthy. Please visit us at http://www.acnel.com/

[tags]acne, acne cure, middle age, women, pimples, hormonal acne[/tags]

Microdermabrasion - Acne Miracle Cure

Microdermabrasion acne treatment is a technique of smoothing the skin and unclogging skin pores. The treatment is relatively new, but its results are more than promising.

There is even more good news for acne sufferers! Microdermabrasion is much less invasive than classical acne surgery and it offers similar results.

How does it work?

It uses a mechanical device. The Microdermabrasion acne machine is used first to clean the skin and peel out the dead cells' layer. In doing that it clears out the blocked pores. The machine works on the same principle as a vacuum cleaner. The Microdermabrasion treatment is similar to rather gently vacuuming your skin as opposed to the cutting action of invasive surgery. The second phase of the process is spraying the skin with an aluminum oxide. This spray eliminates the outer layer of dead skin cells.

The Microdermabrasion treatment works in two ways:

1. It heals already existing acne by cleaning the pores;

2. Then by eliminating the dead skin cells' layer, it prevents pimples from appearing. Pimples are most often caused by dead skin cells that clog the skin's pores. When you eliminate the dead skin cells the chance of having pimples is greatly decreased.

Wait, there's even more. Microdermabrasion does not only cure acne. A very pleasing side effect of repeating this treatment is increased smoothness of skin by removing minor skin irregularities.

How many treatments are necessary?

Usually even one Microdermabrasion treatment can give results lasting several months. However, because Microdermabrasion concentrates mostly on the effects, not the cause of acne, it is not capable of a final cure of the disease.

You can expect that you will need to repeat the treatment after six to seven months. Used with other treatments, even one "skin vacuuming" can have almost permanent results.

Are there any precautions?

As Microdermabrasion is not a surgery and there's no anesthesia required, there are few side effects. The one warning is that the patient should not be using Ro-accutane.

Unfortunately this very effective treatment is usually not covered by health insurance. The cost of Microdermabrasion becomes an important factor when deciding on treatment.

Mark Walters reviews acne treatments and remedies online at http://www.AcneRescue.com

[tags]Microdermabrasion, acne, treatment[/tags]

Microdermabrasion - Acne Miracle Cure

Microdermabrasion acne treatment is a technique of smoothing the skin and unclogging skin pores. The treatment is relatively new, but its results are more than promising.

There is even more good news for acne sufferers! Microdermabrasion is much less invasive than classical acne surgery and it offers similar results.

How does it work?

It uses a mechanical device. The Microdermabrasion acne machine is used first to clean the skin and peel out the dead cells' layer. In doing that it clears out the blocked pores. The machine works on the same principle as a vacuum cleaner. The Microdermabrasion treatment is similar to rather gently vacuuming your skin as opposed to the cutting action of invasive surgery. The second phase of the process is spraying the skin with an aluminum oxide. This spray eliminates the outer layer of dead skin cells.

The Microdermabrasion treatment works in two ways:

1. It heals already existing acne by cleaning the pores;

2. Then by eliminating the dead skin cells' layer, it prevents pimples from appearing. Pimples are most often caused by dead skin cells that clog the skin's pores. When you eliminate the dead skin cells the chance of having pimples is greatly decreased.

Wait, there's even more. Microdermabrasion does not only cure acne. A very pleasing side effect of repeating this treatment is increased smoothness of skin by removing minor skin irregularities.

How many treatments are necessary?

Usually even one Microdermabrasion treatment can give results lasting several months. However, because Microdermabrasion concentrates mostly on the effects, not the cause of acne, it is not capable of a final cure of the disease.

You can expect that you will need to repeat the treatment after six to seven months. Used with other treatments, even one "skin vacuuming" can have almost permanent results.

Are there any precautions?

As Microdermabrasion is not a surgery and there's no anesthesia required, there are few side effects. The one warning is that the patient should not be using Ro-accutane.

Unfortunately this very effective treatment is usually not covered by health insurance. The cost of Microdermabrasion becomes an important factor when deciding on treatment.

Mark Walters reviews acne treatments and remedies online at http://www.AcneRescue.com

[tags]Microdermabrasion, acne, treatment[/tags]