วันพุธที่ 30 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Chest and Back Acne - How to Get Rid of Acne on Chest and Back

Chest and back acne is also called body acne in general. In many cases the media doesn't talk about body acne treatment, in steady, the media mostly talks about face acne and it's treatments. The same thing applies to manufacturers, they focus more on facial acne than body acne. Body acne is a very common form of acne that affects both adult men and women. If you have this kind of acne, you can take some control measures to reduce or get rid of it completely. Body acne can also attack your neck and shoulders. Here are a few steps you can follow to get rid of acne on chest and back for good.

Wearing breathable fabrics

Some people's body acne is causes by synthetic clothing. Internal factors like hormonal changes, genes and medication are accompanied by perspiration which is trapped by synthetic clothing. This perspiration under the synthetic clothing can cause acne because they trap moisture or sweat from your skin. The best way to deal with this kind of situation is to wear synthetic clothing, a good example is cotton which induces evaporation of sweat or moisture from your skin.

Fighting chest and back acne from the inside

You can get rid of acne on chest and back by fighting it from the inside. Acne in general can be triggered by internal factors too, a good example is hormonal changes and medicine. It's a great deal not to depend only on external treatments for your body acne. You should consider internal treatments too as they have been found to be very effective in treatment of acne on chest and back.

Body washes, creams and lotions

Another effective treatment and control measure of body acne is the use of a body acne treatment product that contains body washes, creams and lotions. You can cleanse your skin with a solution containing salicylic acid and SD alcohol 40. These two excellent ingredients are safe and effective on treating body acne. My advice is that you should always attack acne from the inside and outside if you want to get rid of it for good. Acne on chest and back can be ugly looking and nobody wants to suffer from this kinds of acne. Even though body acne is hidden by clothing on the public (except for the chest acne), it should be treated if possible because sometimes it can lead to a worse case of acne. If you are interested in finding out what products can treat and control chest and back acne, visit here.

If you suffer from Mild to Moderate of any kinds of body acne, I recommend you visit http://www.successfuldad.com to find out body acne treatment systems available and of course more tips and information about acne

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วันอังคารที่ 29 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Sulfur and Acne

One of the oldest medications currently in use for acne is Sulfur. Sulfur and acne treatment go back to the tubes of popular ointments used in the 1950's

Before the invention of antibiotics there were few affective drugs other than sulfur for infections. Even after the development of the many drugs that were considered to be miracles, there are still limited uses for sulfur drugs.

The primary use of sulfur in acne treatment is as exfoliating or pealing agent. It is often used as one of the ingredients in the skin toned medicated concealers. It is in use in adult acne treatments today as an alternative to harsher less appropriate treatments.

When used with a treatment regime it is used last as a leave-on ingredient. This is an important distinction to keep in mind. Some ingredients in acne treatments have to be used briefly and washed off. Others are best used for hours before being rinsed off. However these are often very mild acne treatments.

The same ingredients in fact are often used in two or more products that are used consecutively. The same substance would in this case serve more than one purpose.

Sulfur takes its place among a handful of over-the-counter acne treatments that are used with FDA approval. It is an amazing and abundant element which can be found in natural occurrences particularly sulfur springs. Sulfur has a rotten egg smell and gives a yellow or orange appearance to surrounding ground when found in water.

It has been used for many other uses for many years and can also be found in common household products like matches. The continued popularity of this ingredient is its own recommendation.

Sulfur acne preparations have out lasted fifty years of the most daunting assembly of prescription and nonprescription drugs to hit pharmacy shelves.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 28 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Treatments That Will Really Work

It can seem almost impossible to find acne treatments that will really work for you. Sure, there are hundreds if not thousand of acne treatment products on the market, many of which are advertised through television, but how many can you really trust? This article will let you know how you can become more discerning and learn about what it takes to really have the kind of skin you've always wanted, smooth and beautiful.

Keeping your acne away for good requires constant care and cleaning. Unfortunately, there is no pill you can pop to make your acne go away forever, so you have to learn what you need to be doing each day to get rid of it and keep it gone. First, find a good skincare product that will clean deep into your pores. These are called topical products and they are located in the health and beauty section of just about every drugstore out there.

Topical treatment products work well with just about anybody who has acne problems and with all different kinds of skin types. There are many companies who make topical treatment products for people with sensitive skin and other types of special needs. It's very important that if you choose to go the route of topical treatment, that you apply it each day at least twice. This way you will be getting the most for your money and you should start to see results within the first week.

It's also very important to keep in mind that while searching for the right product, you do a little bit of research on the internet. Go to different websites that have reviews posted of various topical products which people have commented on and left reviews of. This way you will know which ones work a majority of the time and which do not. There's nothing worse than wasting both time and money on something that doesn't do you any good.

Despite the great things people say about some acne products, I have found that most acne treatments simply did not work for me.

But after years of struggling to get rid of my acne, I finally found something that was able to almost completely cure my acne in less than a week.

Click below to read my acne story

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Seriously, stop wasting time and money on treatments that just don't work. It's not worth it!


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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Stress- Acne - How Does Stress Affect Acne?

A number of clinical studies have confirmed what the acne sufferers and dermatologists alike have suspected about stress and acne: stress indeed does affect acne. Having established that, the next question is: how does stress affect acne? Before examining this, let us take a look at how stress affects skin in general.

How Does Stress Affect the Skin?

Skin and brain originates from the neuro-ectoderm during the embryonal stage. Skin, as the fifth sense organ is supplied by millions of nerve endings that are connected through the nervous system with the brain. In fact, it is only proper to state that skin indeed is an extension of the brain, the seat of our mental activities and the master controller of the body. Hence, any changes occurring in the nervous system and the brain can affect the skin in a number of complex psycho-neuro-immuno-hormonal pathways. Sebaceous gland, an important gland of the skin, naturally, is also affected by stress similarly.(See below)

How Does Stress Affect Acne?

It has been hypothesized that stress, the modern day nemesis, can affect acne in three ways:

  1. A period of continuous stress can induce a new eruption of acne
  2. Acne, which is already present, is sustained despite treatment and even become resistant to conventional therapies during an especially stressful period of time.
  3. A sudden crisis in life, exacerbates the acne lesions already on the face.

    Hence, learning to relax is a very important aspect when you consider the best treatment for acne options.
The effects of stress on acne may be mediated through various pathways:

  1. Stress-acne: Hormonal Causes. Stress through the stimulation of neuro-chemical pathways in the brain, stimulates release of various hormones from the pituitary and other endocrine glands. The release of androgen hormones are controlled by these master glands. Androgen hormones are the main perpetrators of sebaceous hyperactivity which is the most important factor in the causation of acne.
  2. Stress-acne: Psychological Causes. Stress caused by anxiety due to acne eruptions and due to other causes induce teens to pick on the acne lesions leading to exacerbation of the lesions and scarring. This further increase the tension and the whole triggering cycle is repeated. In some acne sufferers the stress induces bulimia or overeating response leading to increase in the hormonal activities and new acne eruptions.
  3. Stress- acne: Psycho-Social Causes. The self imposed social alienation because of facial disfigurement and perceived social stigma further add to the depression and anxiety and aggravate acne and related problems.
  4. Stress- acne: Immunological Causes. Stress reduces immunity through its effect on the thymus gland which produces T cells that protects our body against invading germs. Reduced immune status leads to the multiplication of bacteria inside the sebaceous glands causing inflammation of the acne lesions.
  5. Stress- acne: Chemical Mediators: Stress, through its activity on the autonomic nervous system and hormones stimulate the release of neuropeptide P and certain other chemical mediators which induce inflammation in the skin and pilosebaceous units, thus leading to formation of new acne lesions.
  6. Stress- acne: Genetic Susceptibility: Some individuals are, through genetic predisposing characteristics, more stress prone than others and respond with increased sebaceous activity when under stress.
  7. Stress- acne: Target Organ Theory: Different individuals respond to stress in different manner. Due to genetic and hereditary predisposition, living style, dietary habits, relaxation responses etc, certain organs in the body are more prone to be affected by stress induced structural and pathological changes. The weak, target organs are affected first, when the body is kept under stress mode for long. In some, it may be the heart, in some the brain, in some the immune system, and, in others, the skin in general or the pilo-sebaceous unit in particular. Thus their skin may respond to a particular stressor by producing more acne lesions!

The above review is sufficient to visualize the extend of stress-acne relationship.

There are still certain issues to be addressed on the topic of stress acne relationship:

  1. It is still not clear up to what extend stress is responsible for acne in normal individuals
  2. There are conflicting reports as to whether stress does really increase sebum secretion. More clinical and laboratory studies are required to straighten this issue out.
  3. How much importance should be given for stress management in the management of acne?

All said and done, it is becoming increasingly evident that acne cannot be treated satisfactorily unless you combine anti acne therapy with an effective stress management program.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 26 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Cystic Acne Remedies

Cystic acne can be called as a form of abscess which is shaped when oil ducts get clogged and infected. Generally, cystic acne is commonly seen in the teenage years and mainly affects on the face. Cystic acne which affects in the deeper skin tissue can result in more superficial inflammation when compared with ordinary acne. Cystic acne breakouts are painful and can result in deep scarring. Most dermatologists consider cystic acne as the most severe of its kind.

Cystic acne takes much time to heal as the infection is affected deep under one’s skin. In most cases the treatment for cystic acne is limited to oral medication and hence it is recommended that all cases need to be taken to a dermatologist. But there are several preventive measures and remedies which can be taken against cystic acne. For those looking for holistic remedies for cystic acne can consult an alternative medicine practitioner, while other more common procedures can easily be performed in the convenience of one’s home with no medical supervision.

Isotretinion is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs for cystic acne treatment. The drug taken in pill form helps to treat inflammation, clogged skin pores, and excess oil production.

For females suffering from cystic acne oral contraceptives are used as a cystic acne remedy. This is considered as a safe cystic acne remedy and helps to suppress overactive sebaceous glands (oil producing). Besides an oral contraceptive, physicians also recommend a synthetic steroid to slow down other hormones which boosts the sebaceous glands.

Whatever cystic acne treatment your physician may prescribe, acne patients are required to be take special care of their health, and of course their skin. Acne patients are advised to cleanse their face daily at least two times a day. Keep in mind that bursting of cystic acne can result in producing scars. Hence keep your hands and fingers away from your face. Consulting a dermatologist is recommended as he/she can help you to choose the best cystic acne remedy which allows you to get rid of cystic acne.

Our experts have executed a research to find the best acne treatments. Find the results only on the How to get rid of cystic acne guide.

More valuable acne info on http://www.leandernet.com/Acne/Acne_treatments.php

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วันศุกร์ที่ 25 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Scar Remedies - Home Remedies For Acne Scarring

Acne scars are a problem for millions of people. Since nearly everyone will suffer from acne at some point, acne scarring is a very common problem. Fortunately, there are many acne scar remedies that can help fade or eliminate most acne scarring. Most home remedies are natural and require nothing but over the counter products to help reduce scarring. However, you must be very careful when choosing acne scar remedies and products, since the skin on your face is very sensitive. Choosing the wrong product could damage the skin and make scarring worse. Here are a few safe and natural acne scar remedies.

Lemon Juice - Lemon juice contains a mild bleach that can help lighten scars and reduce redness. It also contains the alpha hydroxy citric acid, which exfoliates and removes the top layers of the skin. This can help to remove the rough, scarred skin and let new smoother skin surface. Lemon juice can irritate fresh scars and makek you sensitive to the sun so be very careful with it. Always use a sunscreen if you're going to apply lemon juice to your acne scars.

Cucumber - Grinding cucumber up into a paste and applying to the acne scars overnight can help reduce irritation and soothe the skin. It's not know how it works and there are no medical trials, but many swear by it's effectiveness. This is most useful for reducing redness.

Olive Oil - Essential oils like olive oil have been used in acne scar remedies for years. They help to moisturize the skin and reduce irritation while smoothing out the area. Be careful when using any oil on the face as it can lead to further breakouts.

There are many alternatives to these natural acne scar remedies that may deliver better results with less chance of causing new break outs. It's important to do your research and be sure you're using medically proven products and applying them correctly to achieve the best results. Always use caution when trying products from the internet.

For more information on acne scar removal and the best acne scar remedies, check out The Scar Solution. It's the most effective scar treatment product on the net, and it's guaranteed to work.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Skin Care Treatment Product - Your Solution to Acne Problems

Before knowing about acne skin care treatment product, it is important for you to know about acne first. Acne is actually known as acne vulgaris. It is a common skin problem. Commonly, acne word is used for black heads, white heads, pimples and even deep lumps. Mostly, more than 85% teenagers are affected by this skin disease. It has been observed that face, upper neck, chest, back and shoulders are mostly affected by it. Also, upper arms can have acne.

This type of skin disease may affect the psychology of person suffering from acne. Commonly, it mostly affects on the psychology of younger or teenagers as it may result in losing self esteem or cause depression in many.

In order to treat acne, there are many products available in the market. Also, there are some products available in the market without any scientific proven effects. A successful treatment will show its result within two weeks of treatment. Now besides using products as a treatment of acne, blue and red light are used as treatment. This phototherapy is used to treat mild acne.

Today there are many acne skin care treatment product available in market. So it will be quite difficult for you to select an appropriate treatment of acne. Before choosing the kind of treatment of acne, you will need to examine what kind of skin you have? Also, it is important for you to note the period of treatment of acne. It depends on your skin disease and your skin type. It may take some time.

Acne skin care treatment may cause some side effects such as redness, dryness, peeling and stinging. It may cause skin rash as well. But there is no need to panic and treat these side effects.

If you want to know about Acne Skin Care Treatment Product, visit http://www.skinacneremedytreatmentproduct.com today.

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วันพุธที่ 23 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Antibiotic Treatment - Cures Acne With A Difference

Acne antibiotic treatment can successfully restrict bacterial growth mostly around the follicle region and bring about a reduction in the amount of pesky chemicals, which is generally produced by white blood corpuscles. Antibiotics also reduce the secretion of the sebaceous glands and this causes redness of the skin and undesirable inflammation. Antibiotics come in both topical and oral form and you should have the one as recommended by the medical practitioner.

Oral antibiotics for acne

Oral antibiotics are required when acne occurs on the larger part of the body and when you are not in a position to apply topical medicine on the acne affected area. Tetracyline is the most common oral antibiotic. Oral medication takes care of undesirable skin inflammation but it cannot cure acnes and prevents bacteria make their way into the pores of the skin. Doctors know how antibiotics treat bacteria and thus, they prescribe the medicine accordingly.

Tetracyline comes with negligible side effects. When you take tetracyline your sensitivity to the sun is enhanced and the medicine can also successfully reduce the effectiveness of contraceptive pills. Accutane is the other most known antibiotic, which cures cystic acne. However, the major drawback of this medicine is that it makes the skin utterly dry and scaly.

Topical antibiotics for acne

Clindamycin, Erythromycin, and sulfa drugs falls under the category of topical medicines, which are directly applied on the acne affected areas of the body. These medicines genuinely come with fewer side effects. However, when topical medicines are applied in an increased amount you develop a tolerance and resistance to bacteria and thus the medicine is unable to check the growth of acne causing bacteria in the long run.

Antibiotics that are commonly used to treat acne

Tetracycline, Minocycline, Erythromycin, Doxycycline, and Clindamycin are some of the most commonly used effective acne combating antibiotics. However, these medicines are recommended by the doctor according to the type of acne you have. However, it is essential that you follow the right medicine dosage and avoid the impending side effects, which may occur during the course of particular antibiotic medication.

Minocycline - This is a tetracycline derivative specially utilized in treating pustular acnes. The initial dosage of the medicine varies between 250 to 500 mg twice in a day. Some of the usual side effects of minocycline include nausea, a change in skin pigmentation, tooth discoloration and dizziness.

Doxycycline - You should always take this medicine along with food or else you are sure to suffer from acute nauseous tendencies. The doctor recommends a 50 to 100 mg of doxycycline twice in a day. However, when you take this medicine your sensitivity towards light is increased and you also have the chance of suffering from occasional sunburns.

Tetracycline - This is the most commonly used antibiotic and it can effectively check detrimental acne growth. The initial dosage of this medicine is 500 mg and you should continue having the medicine unless you notice a marked reduction in the amount of harmful acne growth. After acnes are reduced the dosage should be lessened from 500 mg to 200 mg or you can also stop having the medicine. For better result you can take tetracycline in empty stomach.

Caution: Children less than nine years of age and pregnant women should not consume tetracycline or else the consequence can be disastrous.

Erythromycin - This medicine has an anti-inflammatory characteristic. It kills bacteria and reduces redness of the skin. The dosage of this medicine varies according to your acne condition. However, the recommended dose of the medicine varies between 250 to 500 mg twice in a day. This medicine is safe as pregnant women can even consume it. The usual side effects of erythromycin include nausea and stomach upset.

Some of the side effects which women suffer on having antibiotics for acne cure

On taking antibiotics for acne treatment women have a grater chance of suffering from candida vaginal yeast. Antibiotics can even reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills.

No doubt antibiotic for acne is great, but when it combines with other medications and health regulations the effect is even greater.

Robert Sheehan is a freelance writer and co-owner of http://www.myacneskintreatments.com

Visit Robert And read more about treating acne at http://www.myacneskintreatments.com/Acne-Scar-Treatment.html

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วันอังคารที่ 22 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Pills - How Effective Are They In Combating Acne

For a large number of teenagers and young adults, acne is more than a skin disorder; it is a very painful condition that usually affects the social life of such individuals. With the obsession of the media on physical appearance, many teenagers and young adults get frustrated feeling that they can not be as attractive as the models, actors, and singers they see on television. This is chiefly due to the outbreak of acne pimples on their skins.

If your acne condition is termed as "mild" meaning that you only get a little amount of pimples on your face, then it seems the best treatment for you would be a topical medication which is usually referred to as an over the counter acne treatment. There are quite a number of over the counter products to choose from as they come in various forms like: creams, ointments, soaps and facial pads.

Topical medications usually contain the same active ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide and salicylic aid. These ingredients work by killing bacteria on the affected areas of your skin or by peeling a very thin layer of your skin, which opens up your previously blocked hair pores. When you use such products daily, it cleanses your skin and prevents dryness. These ingredients have the after-effect of providing a thin protective layer on the surface of your skin. This helps in protecting your skin against bacterial infections, healing existing pimples, refreshing complexion, purifying pores, drying up and preventing new pimples. These ingredients are very effective in combating mild to moderate acne problem.

Most dermatologist and doctors tend to recommend the use of products that contain benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid for combating acne. Although these products are effective in combating some forms of the skin problem, they are not enough for severe sufferers or some certain types like cystic acne.

If you're a teenager or a young adult and you're afflicted with a severe form of acne, I guessed you must have tried some creams, lotions or gels that have only slightly improved your condition. Since one of the main causes of your skin problem is due to over-active hormones, it is only logical for dermatologist and doctors to prescribe acne pills which work on the inside of the body in an attempt to correct hormonal and chemical imbalances in your body system. In case you are afflicted with Cystic acne, it is certain that you have over-active hormones, which is definitely one of the root causes of the problem.

The most common acne pills prescribed by doctors are accutane, and antibiotics like tetracycline, clindamycin, and erythromycin. Although topical forms of these antibiotics are available, a large number of doctors and dermatologist tend to prescribe the oral form. They work in killing the bacteria that contribute in the formation of pimples. But the downside of most antibiotics is that with time the bacterium on the skin develops resistance to it.

Another category of acne pills used in treatment is the hormonal treatment, which are effective in women. Cortisone, Cyproterone and drospirenone work at decreasing the excessive amount of oil produced in the hair pores.

Accutane as previously mentioned is also an acne pill that doctors prescribed in treating severe cases of acne. A large number of sufferers have found relief from their breakouts while using accutane. Accutane simply reduces the amount of oil produced by your skin. One major risk of taking accutane pills is the harmful effects it has on pregnant women and nursing mothers, which is in the form of birth defects.

So Is There Any Oral Medication For Acne Without Side Effects?

With all the following pills mentioned which seem to have one downside or the other, most sufferers would wonder if there actually were a magical pill, which could improve their condition. If you suffer from acne it would interest you to know that there are quite a number of pills in the market, which combat the root causes of your problem - which is usually due to chemical and hormonal imbalances. These acne pills contain antioxidants and herbal extracts which helps in eliminating the free radicals that are dangerous to your skin and promote infections. They also fight inflammation to reduce the redness you see on your skin and heal damaged skin.

Although using the acne pills found in the acnezine and clear-pores systems would give you improvement on your skin texture and prevent formation of new zits. However these systems take no chances by also providing an external "topical" medication, which cleanses the hair pores and fights acne-causing bacteria. In order words these systems combat the problem from the inside and the outside of your body.

If you suffer from a severe case of acne then I will certain ask you to take action by ridding your skin of pimples by using a quality skin care product that fights the problem at its roots and also on the skin. One benefits of using an internal and external treatment is that your pimples problem would be gone in the shortest possible time, as you do no have to wait long periods to begin seeing relief.

A product like the acnezine skin care system was what I used in erasing pimples off my face, it contains a moisturizing cream and a Skin Anti-Oxidant Capsule, which ensures that your skin texture improves. An excellent skin care system on the market, which is by far the number one acne system, is the clear pores system. It is capable of combating both body and facial acne. It consists of a deep cleansing facial/body wash, facial/body protection cream and an herbal supplement. This system is very effective for severe sufferers as it ensures total acne treatment. The healthy pores system is also a very good skin care product that has solved the problem of acne pimples for a large number of former sufferers.

So what are you waiting for, go do something about your acne problem now!!! :-)

For more information, tips and reviews on acne and the best acne pills available to you, visit: adult acne treatment Now!!!

Tim Orlando is a young man who is passionate about educating teenagers and young adults solve their acne problem just like he solved his. Visit his blog clear-adult-acne.blogspot.com where he discusses more on the monster called "Acne".

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วันจันทร์ที่ 21 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Treatment - Tips For Acne Free Skin

To be sure, we humans experience many skin disorders. But perhaps the most frustrating and common type is acne. The occurrence of acne usually begins in adolescence. Of course these years of young adulthood bring a sense of self consciousness as to one's appearance. For this reason, the youths who suffer this malady may have issues with their self esteem because of the high visibility of acne spots. This can cause some anxiety to the teenager especially if it brings ridicule from others. Happily, there are many great ways to treat this skin disorder. Here are a couple of the various types of acne and the treatment options available:

1. Mild Juvenile Acne

This type, often referred to as acne spots, can usually be corrected using non-prescription medicine which can be readily obtained at your pharmacy. This type is fairly easy to treat. In selecting the appropriate medicine for your acne, your physician will take into account your skin type. To illustrate, if your skin type is oily, your doctor may suggest alcohol based solutions as these will help to dry out your skin. On the other hand, he will probably avoid oily treatments like creams and lotions for you.

2. Severe Acne

With some acne sufferers the disorder may become more severe with increasing age. Things are even more challenging when you have oily skin. In such cases more in-depth treatment methods are often needed. But how can you tell when more advanced interventions are called for? If you notice a especially conspicuous redness in the area of the sores and an over abundance of whiteheads this may be a sign. And without a doubt when acne has spread to cover larger areas such as the back or face, you can be sure that severe acne is indicated. It is common to use oral antibiotics in these circumstances. The mechanism here is for the antibiotics to impede the growth of bacteria which cause the acne. Also inflammation is suppressed and so the severity is lessened.

It is probably clear to you by now that acne treatment is to some degree, trial and error. Therefore just as researchers investigate a great variety of medicines before bringing them to market, so your doctor may have to try out several possible treatments before settling on the one that's best for you.

There are many other effective acne treatment strategies for a clear acne free skin and as research continues, several holistic and man-made products are being used and combined to provide relief from this skin disorder.

Are You looking for a solution to acne problems? Expert and Author Sandra Nelson invites you to access more great articles on Acne Treatment at her site at http://AcneRemedyGuide.info.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 20 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Tips - What to Do in Case of an Acne Breakout

Sometimes, many of us feel awkward to ask for an acne tip from someone. Most of us feel embarrassed with the fact that we have acne and that we are seriously agonizing on how we can treat it. It would be a great thing to know that there are many number of people who suffer from this condition with its severity going from mild to bad.

Now you do not have to feel a bit ashamed nor embarrassed as we have compiled a useful guide for those who have acne problems. Here is a simple guide that can help you deal with acne and an acne breakout.

1. Do not touch it or prick it.
Once you see some acne signs such as whiteheads, blackheads or inflamed spots, do all you can to keep from pricking it or even touching it. That would only worsen your acne case as your hands may be full of bacteria that can further infect your acne-prone area.

2. Wash using a mild cleanser.
The first thing to do is to wash your face (or the affected area). You must use a mild cleanser or soap but you should also put in mind that you should not overdo it. Washing it too many times or using too strong cleansers can just worsen your acne condition.

3. See a dermatologist.
If you think you cannot simply let your acne be, then it is about time to see the dermatologist. You doctor would not just give you an acne tip to follow but professional options on how you can actually treat it. Your skin doctor can prescribe you some kind of acne medication (oral or topical) as well as various creams, ointments, cleansers and soap that can treat your acne.

4. Consider clinical treatment.
If you suffer from recurring breakouts, then you need more than an acne tip or advice. The good news is that there are clinical procedures such as laser therapies, chemical peels and even microdermabrasion which can solve your acne problems the easier way.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 19 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Prevention - 8 Tips on How to Prevent Acne Breakouts

Throughout your adolescence you probably suffered from acne. Most people would say that this is normal. Many people suffer from this condition. It is a fairly common skin disease that is shared by billions of people. If you are still experiencing acne or if you have a teenage son or daughter, you should seriously consider the various ways and means to prevent acne.

Acne Breakouts

Acne prevention is easy if you know how to. This is very important among young adults and teenagers since they are most likely to suffer from acne breakouts. Contrary to popular opinion, acne is not a condition that just afflicts teenagers. Even children may suffer from acne and there are people who continuously suffer from acne beyond adolescence. These people would probably suffer from acne for the rest of their lives if they do not find proper treatment for it. Fortunately, there are many things that you can do to prevent acne breakouts.

In order to pinpoint the exact acne prevention plan, you should at least know what possibly causes your acne. It may be due to improper nutrition or cleansing habits. Hormones could also play a huge role on acne breakouts. Knowing the probable causes of your acne or your child's acne will help you direct your attention to the different acne prevention techniques.

8 Tips on Preventing Acne Breakouts

1. Usually, a skin blemish like a pimple would usually start to form two or three weeks before it actually appears on the skin's surface. Before it actually pops out, there are some things that you can do to ensure a blemish-free skin.

2. Wash your face or skin regularly. It can never be too much stressed that you need to keep your skin clean and oil free.

3. Wash with a mild cleanser daily to keep off dirt and impurities. This will also keep your pores from clogging. However, frequent and obsessive washing may aggravate the condition. So, look out for this.

4. Use a mild or gentle cleanser. The kind of products you use to wash your face matters. Prescription soaps are also great for acne prevention.

5. Do not use astringents. This is only advisable if you have a really oily skin and use these on areas that are very oily.

6. Wash your hair regularly and try to keep your hair off your face. The dust, grime and dirt from your hair may irritate your skin.

7. Regularly wash your bed linens, pillow cases and towels. This will keep you from using items that are full with germs and bacteria that can cause acne.

8. Exercise regularly and adopt a healthy diet. A healthy diet especially one rich in Vitamin A will ensure a glowing healthy skin. Exercise will help in your blood's circulation which will ensure that every cell in your body is properly nourished.

Acne is embarrassing especially for teenagers or young adults. It is difficult to socialize if your face is full of pimples, blackheads and whiteheads. This can take a huge toll on your child's psyche or even your own self-esteem. If you are prone to acne, therefore, you should know how to prevent the occurrence of breakouts.

The author is an online medical researcher and webmaster of Best Acne Products and Natural Acne Treatment Visit site for related article: "Finding the Right Acne Skin Care Products". And don't forget to download your 70-page Acne eBook for free.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 18 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne in Teenagers and Adults - How to Relieve Symptoms

It is widely believed that 80% of teenagers will suffer from acne during their teenage years. Acne is a skin condition in which unsightly red spots appear on your skin. The primary cause of acne is an over stimulation of the sebaceous glands in the skin producing an oily substance known as sebum. This leads to the blocking of pores making the skin prone to developing spots.

Teenage acne is connected with an increase in the levels of the male hormone testosterone as puberty is attained. The occurrence of developing spots is not connected to the levels of testosterone moreover it is dependent upon the sensitivity of the skin to the hormone. The testosterone which stimulates the glands thereby producing sebum results in the blocking of pores and causing the resultant spots. Not only experienced in teenagers, acne also affects adults but happily most men grow out of experiencing acne by their late teens or early 20s although it has been known to continue until up to age 40.

An adult form of acne has been categorised which is called acne rosacea which affects predominantly women between the ages of 30 and 50 although it can affect men also. In either sexes the condition tends to follow a family trait and acne rosacea develops itself as red skin with broken veins and acne spots on the forehead and nose and cheeks.

There are innumerable products all claiming to help clear your skin of acne and one of the most effective creams to use contains the ingredient benzoyl peroxide. This effective cream is available in various different strengths therefore it is always best to try the weakest strength and working your way up to the more advanced strength should your symptoms persist. Given ordinary soap can alter the pH of the skin this can sometimes lead to sufferers making the condition worse. The use of an anti septic face wash can help to control the greasy skin and alleviate acne symptoms.

If your acne symptoms persist then consult your doctor or medical practitioner as there are many prescribed medications that can be taken to help reduce the symptoms.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Curing Acne - Household Ingredient Remedies

Practically everyone has had acne in their life and it can be very frustrating when considering the various remedies for treating it. Many people have wasted thousands of dollars just trying out new products and other ways to cure their acne problems. Why pay such high prices for something when you aren't sure it will work? Instead, turn to homemade remedies, which are cheap and risk free and give it a shot.

Here are some methods that you can use to help the "acne curing process". The best part about these methods is that most of the supplies can be found in your very own kitchen.

Baking Soda: Baking soda can be used as a great scrub substitute. It exfoliates the skin, removes the dead skin cells on your skin and unclogs your pores in the process. Mix small amounts of water with the baking soda so it has a paste like form, then gently massage it on your skin for about ten to fifteen seconds. Once that is done, begin rinsing it off with water and then dry the area with a clean towel.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple Cider Vinegar is a commonly used ingredient to cure acne; as it not only kills the bacteria, which is a big contributor to acne problems, but it balances your skin's pH level and absorbs excessive oil from your skin. The vinegar should be diluted before you begin the process: approximately eight parts water and two parts vinegar. Once that is done, apply the solution directly to your skin with clean cotton, leave it there for about ten minutes, then rinse it off a bit later. It can also be applied to larger problem areas, whereas more of a concentrated vinegar solution (2 or 3 parts water with 1 part vinegar) is used.

Lemon and Lime: Lemon and/or lime juice can be used as another substitute for vinegar; as it contains citric acid. Either the lemon or the lime may be used for exfoliating purposes, which will also halt the growth or spread of acne infections.

Egg Whites: Another common and powerful method is that of egg whites. Egg whites, which are very rich in protein, can be used as a "mask" to heal and rejuvenate your skin, which helps to repair your acne problem areas. They also can be used to absorb a lot of excessive oil on your skin.

Oatmeal: Oatmeal, like many of these other products, absorbs excessive oil and draws out the impurities clogged deep inside your pores. Simply heat up some oatmeal, let it cool for a short while, then apply it to your face. Leave the oatmeal on your face for a little bit, then remove it after it starts drying up. Doing this method on a regular basis will show positive results, but it may take weeks to see the effects.

Tea Tree Oil: Tea Tree Oil is one of the most commonly used all-natural household antiseptics that can be used to treat acne. You can strongly dilute it with some jojoba oil in order to treat your acne spots directly, killing off all the bacteria. Tea tree gel can also be applied to your entire face; as it is much more diluted and quite easy to apply.

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid): Taking 2.5 grams of Pantothenic acid in tablet form, 4 times per day, will prove to be a gigantic help for those that suffer from acne. Pantothenic acid acts to help the body metabolize fats, which are later turned into sebum and excreted through the skin; which actually causes most acne problems. Pantothenic acid must be taken in large quantities, as small quantities will not have a very noticeable effect.

Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera has been used for centuries as a tropical application for the treatment of burns. When applied to the skin, it helps by preventing scaring and fade marks, as well as helps in the healing process of acne spots.

In Conclusion, you don't have to be a rocket scientist or a millionaire in order to find a way to get rid of your acne. All it takes is some simple household products, which won't burn a hole in your pocket and a few minutes of your time. Surely, you can spare a few dollars and a few minutes in order to rid yourself of acne.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Acne

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วันพุธที่ 16 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Toothpaste Acne Treatment - Does Toothpaste Help Acne?

A toothpaste acne treatment can help acne but there are certain factors that depend how good it is to clear your acne. Toothpastes are a common remedy many acne sufferers experiment with so here are a few factors to keep in mind if you'd like to try it.

1. Selecting the right toothpaste is the first step.

It's best to avoid gel based toothpastes as they won't work as well as the plain traditional paste ones. It's also best to stay clear of But a whitening toothpaste because they tend to have high levels of hydrogen peroxide that may irritate or burn the skin.

2. Be careful If you have dry or sensitive skin

If you have dry or sensitive skin you should wash off the toothpaste after 10-30 minutes. The toothpaste has a drying effect on your acne so if you leave it on all night it will aggravate your skin. It's also advisable to use toothpaste as a spot treatment rather than applying it to your whole face ... we all know how desperate we can get which leads us to do some crazy things to our faces so just thought I'd put that reminder in!

3. It does not work for every acne sufferer.

As with any acne treatment, using toothpaste may not help get rid of your acne. There are many different causes of acne and toothpaste may not target the cause of your acne. Some people, especially those with sensitive or dry skin, report that toothpaste actually made their problem worse.

It's best to try it on one pimple to see how your skin reacts rather than jumping right in and applying it to all your spots at the same time. That way you minimise the aggravation caused if you have a negative reaction to the toothpaste acne treatment.

If you are also interested in trying different home remedies for acne you can visit Acne Free Now which has reviews and tips to help you achieve acne free clear skin.

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วันอังคารที่ 15 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Treatment - Oral Treatment Of Acne Nodules

Acne Vulgaris can be divided in various types or stages. The beginning is with whiteheads and blackheads. Pimples are the second stage and the third stage is the severe form of acne- Cysts and nodules. The treatment of all three types is different. Out of these treatment of nodules is biggest challenge. Nodules are large acne lesions highly inflamed and reach deep inside the skin. Nodules can be very painful. Let us know more about how to treat acne nodules with oral treatment.

Acne treatment- more about cysts and nodules

In the third stage of Acne Vulgaris large infected and inflamed lesions form. They are called cysts and nodules. They invariably cause acne scars and may also be very painful. A nodule is a solid dome-shaped inflamed lesion. Nodules are much bigger than papules and may be very painful. Nodules reach deeper in the skin cells and cause scars. Nodules should not be treated with OTC medication. If you have the third stage of acne with large nodules and cysts, you should consult a doctor about the treatment.

In severe acne what you see as large acne spots full of pus are called cysts. A cyst is a severe form of pustule that is filled with bacteria, white blood cells and dead skin. Cysts can be very painful and extend inside the skin damaging the skin tissue. Cysts invariably cause a scar. For treating cystic acne, doctors commonly drain the cysts and then treat them.

Acne treatment- how to treat nodules

Out of the different options available for acne treatment- physical, oral and topical treatments, oral treatments are best to treat nodules. Nodules are large acne that is inflamed, reaches deep in the skin and is very painful. Most of the common topical treatments such as Benzoyl Peroxide, Salicylic Acid etc. take a long time to treat nodules. It is preferred to use oral medication to treat this acne to treat it quickly.

Isotretinoin is one of the most potent treatments for severe form of acne. Isotretinoin is a retinoid, a compound of vitamin A. Isotretinoin helps treat all the causes of acne. The normal course of isotretinoin is one or two pills a day for up to twenty weeks. Your dermatologist will decide the dose. Don't take Isotretinoin without medical supervision. The common side effects of isotretinoin may include joint pains, headaches, nausea, and depression. For women, it is very important to be in regular contact with their doctor because isotretinoin can cause damage to development of fetus. It is not prescribed during pregnancy. Before the treatment begins, all possibilities of pregnancy have to be eliminated. Talk to your doctor in detail about this and follow his/her instructions very strictly. Women must not miss their appointment with doctor while taking isotretinoin.

Antibiotics - In case of severe acne oral antibiotics are preferred as they produce quicker results. Broad-spectrum antibiotics reduce the bacteria P.acnes substantially. With reduction in the population of this bacterium, inflammation reduces. Antibiotics that are commonly prescribed include - tetracycline, erythromycin, doxycycline, etc. Excessive use of antibiotics can cause resistance to the antibiotic and gastro intestinal problems.

Oral contraceptives for female patients:

Hormones are responsible for overactive sebaceous glands. These glands produce more sebum and cause acne. In women the hormonal activity can be corrected with oral contraceptives. These drugs should be taken only under medical supervision.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

For more information about acne treatment to make your skin blemish-free and young, please visit- acnedoctor.us . The author C.D.Mohatta also consults with myspace websites. If you are a myspace or user of other social network websites, please click here for- Myspace Comments such as Compliments, Cool Comments, Cute Comments, Flirty Comments, Funky Comments, Funny Comments, Hot Comments, Love Comments,Picture Comments, Profile Comments, Sexy Comments, Sweet Comments and Thanks For The Add comments. For Myspace Graphics click- Myspace Graphics to view graphics such as - Birthday Graphics, Comment Graphics, Holidays Graphics , Daily Fun, Love Graphics, Expressions and Friendship Graphics.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 14 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Rosacea - Not Just Acne

Acne Rosacea is a disorder of the skin usually limited to the nose, chin, cheeks, and forehead. It is a condition where there are broken blood vessels and flushing cheeks along with having pimples. Although acne rosacea has acne in it's name skin care treatments used to treat acne will not really help this condition. The skin lesions are notable for their absence of comedones, which distinguishes this disorder from regular acne.

This condition is normally found in adults with fair skin and tends to run in families. It may also be found in children, although rarely. From most accounts women are affected with it two times more then men are.

One cause of acne rosacea could be an overload of mercury from dental amalgams or sometimes from eating fish. Stress may also bring out symptoms. At first the redness comes and goes. But if left untreated for a long time it may get worse. More pimples may appear after some time along with a permanent flushing of the face. The nose may even become disfigured if not properly treated.

Sometimes acne rosacea can suddenly appear but usually it develops over time. There really isn't a cure for it but you can help to alleviate the symptoms by avoiding things that cause your blood vessels to open and close repeatedly. Avoid coffee, spicy foods, and cola drinks. Also it may help not to overdo exercising and to take extra care in the sun.

Eating more foods with vitamin C like oranges, grapefruits and lemons which also contain bioflavonoids will help to promote healthy capillaries. The red flushed cheeks of acne rosacea are caused by weak capillary walls that cause the blood vessels to dilate. Other fruits that are good to eat are strawberries, grapes, cherries and blueberries.

Discard any skin care products that you may now be using if they irritate your skin since this just makes the situation worse. Even the shampoo and conditioner you use on your hair may get on your skin and irritate the acne rosacea. Use calming herbs like thyme and chamomile to soothe your skin during a flare up. Use a cleaning milk or a vegetable soap to clean your face.

So to alleviate some of the symptoms of acne rosacea try to relax and enjoy life to help remove the stress. Then begin eating better and start using products that are made to be used on acne rosacea and not ones that are for regular acne.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 13 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Treatment

Acne is a condition that close to 100% of the population has at least a little trouble with, typically in the teen years. Most people find that it gradually clears up as they get beyond their teens even with little or no treatment. Many adults if reflecting back to that time in their life might say they had a few pimples, sometimes at inconvenient times, but that it was not a big deal and certainly did not affect their life. A smaller percentage of acne suffers have somewhat or much worse acne that is unsightly, often painful, may scar and can have devastating psychological consequences. Treatment is available for all types of acne usually resulting in significant improvement of the symptoms although more severe cases need to be treated by a physician using medications like oral antibiotics, Accutane or birth control pills.

Acne is usually broken into three types based on symptoms:

Mild- You may see quite a few comdones (blackheads) but not a lot of inflamed lesions (whiteheads) and these lesions are quite close to the surface with no underlying nodules.

Moderate- At this level there will be a significant number of inflamed lesions with quite a few pustules (larger more boil like lesions).

Severe- The person with severe acne will have the symptoms of moderate acne but will additionally exhibit many nodules and large cysts. An individual with severe facial acne will probably also have it on their back and chest.

Most acne in the mild to slightly moderate range can be self treated as long as no scarring is occurring. If the acne is in upper moderate or severe range or if scarring is occurring a health provider experienced in treating acne should be seen. You certainly should also see a physician if there are any other complicating factors such as other medical conditions that may be contributing to the condition or that may make treatment difficult.

To develop your own successful acne treatment program you need to be willing to discipline yourself to faithfully follow a program and be willing to wait for a number of weeks to see significant results. Different people respond to different acne treatments but it is critical to give whatever you are using a chance to work before switching to something else!

First we will briefly explain what acne is. Skin produces oils (sebum) that passes through small channels (ducts) to the surface. During the teen years hormonal changes cause a significant increase in sebum production. At the same time there are also changes in the lining of the ducts that cause the sebum to pass more slowly to the surface and sometimes form plugs in the opening of the duct. Extended exposure to air will cause this plug to become dark often called a blackhead (comdone). Sometimes bacteria will exist in the duct also leading to a small localized infection or whitehead (closed comdone). For some individuals the process if infected ducts and the resulting inflammation progresses to the point of cystic acne.

Acne Treatment

Treating mild to slightly moderate acne as mentioned above requires you to faithfully follow an acne treatment plan. One big mistake that is often made is to try to scrub acne away. Aggressive washing actually can make acne appear worse and certainly does not help! Remember that acne is not caused by dirty skin, it is a result of your unique body chemistry and needs to be treated with the proper products to make it better. Yes you need to keep your face clean, try to keep your hair away as much as possible, try not to rub or scratch at any pimples, but don't abuse it by aggressive washing. So, how should you wash your face? Use a mild fragrance free facial cleanser (even bar soap is ok if that is all you have). Wash your face morning and night with warm but not hot water and gently pat dry. If you face is especially oily you can wash it once or twice additionally each day but you may need to reapply any medications used. The next step is to apply some type of medication. Most over the counter medications that really work usually contain benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide helps in a couple of ways. First it has antibacterial properties that will decrease the number of whiteheads that develop and secondly it causes the surface skin cells to turnover quicker. At first it may cause some redness and peeling until your skin adjusts to it. You may need to use a gentle oil free lotion if your skin gets too dry. If your skin seams quite sensitive be sure you are using a low strength of benzoyl peroxide (2.5%) and gently wash it off after a couple of hours. Then gradually increase the length of time as your skin begins to tolerate it until you no longer have to wash it off between normal twice daily washings. A number of recent studies have shown that using benzoyl peroxide works as well as or better than oral antibiotics for many mild to moderate cases of acne. Use the products faithfully every day and after a few weeks you should see good results. Because of the way benzoyl peroxides causes a mild skin irritation you should always use a oil free sunscreen before extended sun exposure to help protect your skin.

To save yourself some time searching for appropriate effective products (cleanser, active treatment product, soothing lotion), you might consider one of the acne treatment kits available such as Proactiv. These kits can work very well because of the balanced and complimentary nature of each if the individual products included. Benzoyl peroxide is the key component in all of the best product lines because it works. Generic forms of the acne kits have started to show up in the stores at a lower price, however there is no way to determine if the level of active ingredients is the same.

It is well known what causes acne and studies have shown what works to improve it. As much as many people would like a overnight cure there simply is nothing like this, so don't throw away your money and start treating your acne with the proven methods!

For additional acne information and to locate products available online visit: http://healthetopics.com/acne-treatment where you can also find coverage on a variety of other health topics throughout the main http://healthetopics.com website.

The author of this article Martin Rossi is a U.S. licensed pharmacist who is also specialty certified to provide patient education for a number of disease states including asthma and diabetes. He has been in practice for over 20 years in a variety of professional settings and has lectured on and created continuing education programs for a number of health related topics. Martin also holds a MBA degree and has worked part time as a marketing consultant.

You can contact the author with questions or comments and also find helpful acne resource links at: http://healthetopics.com/acne-treatment

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วันเสาร์ที่ 12 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Scars Treatment - How You Can Get Rid of Your Acne Scars and Eliminate Your Acne

Understanding how acne scars form can help you choose an acne scars treatment that is right for your skin. When acne appears on your face, often a pustule builds beneath the layer of skin. The pore is clogged with this puss and bacteria. Often, a scar will form when the pimple is poked and popped, but sometimes the acne forms a scar even when left alone.

Once these acne lesions pop or dissipate, they often leave behind a bright red mark on the skin. Sometimes these red marks will fade, but it usually takes between 8-24 weeks to heal completely and fade. Other times, the red marks will heal to leave behind an ice pick scar in your skin. Some scars are big enough they leave pitting in the forehead, cheeks, or chin.

These acne scars can be humiliating and painful. When possible, it is optimal to get them taken care of as soon as possible to reduce their appearance and smooth the skin as much as possible. This can be done with an acne scars treatment, and there are many to choose from.

One acne scars treatment is laser treatment. This is one of the least painful treatments to undergo, because it does not cause bleeding or scraping of the skin. In fact, it feels more like a rubber band getting snapped across your skin. Usually these treatments can cost around $300 per visit.

Another acne scar treatment option is microdermabrasion. This is better for those who have mild to moderate acne scarring, and it is less expensive than laser treatment. You can probably expect to pay around $80 per treatment.

When you have acne scars, the first thing you want to do is prevent more acne. The only real way to do this is to go on a 3-day cleansing diet. This will clean your skin's pores from the inside-out and help prevent future breakouts and acne scars. This will be the best acne scars treatment you'll find, and it's right here at http://www.easyskintreatment.com.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 11 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Treatment Scam? Stop Getting Ripped Off

The Internet is packed with good information about acne, but along with good information comes the bad. Those who haven't researched acne, or never even experienced acne, try to recommend you acne products that are very fishy. Whether these ads are being advertised on TV (infomercials), the Internet, or even on the streets, it's important to take the information you find with a grain of salt. There are many common advertising techniques used to lure acne sufferers into purchase their products.

#1: Listening to the Claims of the Acne Treatment Producer

The manufacturers of an acne treatment always try to claim their own product is the best, and they claim all other acne treatments don't work. These people have more of a financial interest than an interest to educate and help you to treat your acne. Common techniques include word choice. Beware of words like laboratories, revolutionary, overnight, and 3 Days. Just because a name has a trademark next to it doesn't make the acne treatment reliable.

#2: Is it too Good to be True?

An effective acne treatment takes time to clear your skin, not 24 hours, not 3 days, not 1 week. A good acne treatment generally takes 1 month to see results and up over 3 months to see full results. Some acne treatments do show temporary improvement in just a few hours, but these results do not last, and often they may lead to future acne breakouts. Even with strong, doctor prescribed medications, acne can take 6 months to treat, such as Accutane. Don't believe those scam artists claiming you can be acne free in just a few days.

#3: Beware of "Scientific" Claims and Celebrity Endorsements

Too often we see labels such as "Dermatology tested," "Results from studies show..." and many other claims that makes an acne treatment more enticing to purchase.

"Money-Back Guarantee!" doesn't make an acne treatment good - the strategy behind the money-back guarantee is, they make it very difficult for you to get your money back. For example, they put you 30 minutes on hold for a phone call, or they ask you to try the product a little longer.

Celebrity endorsements are one of the sneakiest ways to get customers. Whether the celebrity had acne, or just one or two pimples, they can easily help make an acne TV commercial for millions of dollars.

The truth is, phony acne products look exactly like legit acne products. To find a good acne product requires good judgment, and it's also a good idea to get product recommendations from past acne sufferers.

Choosing an effective acne treatment is an essential part of treating your acne. Search for an acne cream

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 10 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Effective Acne Treatment

Prom night is a day away. You have your dress for the prom. Your friends have arranged for an escort. However, when you wake up there it is right on top of your nose is a zit, an ugly acne that you cannot hide. What will you do? Freak-out, hide behind the closet or cry your heart out because you will miss the prom night. You need not do this, I can help you with quick fixes and some proven acne treatments to ensure you will not miss the occasion.

Acne is a problem most teenagers suffer. In the olden days, teenagers who get acne miss out on a lot of things. This should not happen, please read below for effective acne treatments.

Acne Treatment

• Benzoyl peroxide is effective in drying out pimples. It also kills bacteria and unclogs the pores. You can find over-the-counter benzoyl peroxide acne treatments. Follow the label on how to use it.

• Retin-A is also an effective acne treatment but this is only available with your doctor's prescription. It may cause peeling and will make your skin sensitive to the sun. You should use this only at night and of course as prescribed by your doctor.

• Accutane, this is also an effective acne treatment but women needs to be careful in using accutane as it may cause damage to developing fetus.

• Topical antibiotics, they will help kill the bacteria and heal the acne. It may however take longer for your acne to be clear.

• Wash your face with mild facial foam at least twice a day. Do not over wash, because it may further irritate the skin.

• Do not prick your pimple, it may spread the bacteria and worsen your condition.

There are many more acne treatments you can try but you may need to seek the advice of your doctor.

If you do not want to miss your prom night, you may try the following quick fixes.

• Carefully prick the top of the acne with sterilized needle, not with your hands. Apply alcohol and it will dry out soon.

• To lessen the redness, use Vaseline eye drop.

• You may also apply ice and gentle press it on the zit for a couple of minutes and repeat every 15 minutes until the pimple shrinks.

• Use the magic of concealer if on the day of the prom there are still some traces of your acne.

Finally, you may not need acne treatment or its quick fixes if you can avoid having acne at all. Your face needs proper care. It starts by ensuring that your pores will never clog by washing your face with mild facial wash and keeping it well nourished is the key to clean and clear face.

Do not allow acne to make you feel inferior, your face is important. Take care of it and you will surely avoid acne.

Acne Treatments
Clear Acne
Causes of Adult Acne

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วันพุธที่ 9 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Home Remedy Treatment - 4 Home Ingredients That Can Help Get Rid of Acne

Don't even look at over the counter products to get rid of acne. When an acne home remedy treatment can deliver amazing results there is no point in buying expensive over the counter products. Home based treatments are soft on skin and don't cause any side effects. And many of the ingredients may be there in your kitchen already.

Here are some simple remedies to try:

1) Apply a solution made by mixing lemon juice and rose water to your pimples. Leave this solution for 15 minutes and then wash with cold water. This combination acts as an excellent cleanser and healer for the skin. You may notice good improvement in a few days itself.

2) Another excellent acne home remedy treatment is based on cucumber. Make a paste of cucumber and apply this to your face. Leave the cucumber face pack for about an hour. This will help in healing and moisturizing the skin. Cucumber also helps in preventing acne. Use the face pack at least twice a week to get amazing results.

3) To stop acne breakouts you can use a juice made from mint leaves. Mint has been used to get rid acne for centuries. Take some mint leaves and squeeze the juice out of them. Apply this to your face before you hit the bed. You can wash your face next morning.

4) A good acne home remedy treatment for removing dead skin cells can be made using apple cider vinegar. Depending on the sensitivity of your skin you can dilute the vinegar. Apply vinegar to your pimples and leave it for 10 minutes. Wash with cold water to remove all the dirt and dead skin cells.

Try the above remedies to see what works for you. Some of you may be able to get rid of acne.

Here are some secrets you don't know yet - Do you know that there are some natural techniques that can get rid of acne, pimples, zits, beachheads and spots in a few days for sure. This may seem impossible, but is actually 100% true. To get access to these secrets click here - Acne Heal Info

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วันอังคารที่ 8 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Control With Oral Medicines

When looking at Acne Control with oral medicines it is as well to know that an important part of our body that requires constant care is the skin. The skin is a shield that protects you; this is why you should always be careful with its treatment. One of the most frequent problems when it comes to your skin is acne, which can appear on many parts of your body, including your face, which is the most upsetting thing for people in general.

Some people consider acne a small issue but for many it is a serious problem that sometimes causes a loss of self confidence. Acne can have a completely different effect on people's skin; this is why various types of treatments are needed to differentiate from one case to another. You need a constant acne control if you are going to make inroads towards curing the condition and also to ensure it's effects aren't too severe.

What Do Antibiotics Do For Acne Control?

A common treatment in acne control is the use of antibiotics, which are very effective in protecting the skin from bacteria and besides, acne antibiotic treatment can also prevent your skin from irritations caused by white blood cells and oily skin. A visit to the doctor is always beneficial so that you can find the best antibiotics for your particular condition.

Antibiotics such as Tetracycline, Erythromycin, Minocycline, Doxycycline, and Clindamycin are the most common used for acne control. They are usually very efficient for treating acne but you should always use them according to your doctor's prescription. It is essential that this advice is followed, especially if you are a woman as one of the side effects is that over use can lead to Candida vaginal yeast infections.

Using birth control to treat acne

It is a fact that birth control pills have the capacity of bringing a balance to hormone levels, so when you consider that a great deal of acne comes from a build up of hormones it is easy to see why they are also very efficient when it comes to acne control. What you have to bear in mind however, is that each body reacts in a different way to acne and to oral acne medication

This is true for birth control to treat acne as well, as balancing the hormones is not something that helps everyone who suffers from acne, so although there are many people that are happy to say birth control pills had a great effect in treating their acne problems, conversely you can also find many who will say that these pills have done more damage than good for acne control and say that they suffered unwanted side effects.

So there you have it; these are all points to consider when looking at acne control, the point is that everyone is different and some times it is better to avoid the over use of acne antibiotic treatment as it depletes the body's immune system. Try to persevere with herbal and topical treatments to find which is the best for you.

Arnold Hexden is known for his interesting articles on Acne and Rocasea. Find out more about the Best acne treatment and better acne awareness at: http://theacnereport.com/acne-articles/the-best-diet-for-acne/ Why not check out his site at http://www.theacnereport.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Arnold_Hexden

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วันจันทร์ที่ 7 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Treatments Home Remedy Cures and the Big Misconception Revealed by Doctor &amp; Past Acne Sufferer

Find out how the acne industry is making millions selling treatments based on a huge acne misconception...

The Acne industry is making millions hand over fist and they are doing it based on the false pretense that acne is caused by little bacteria in your pores and they are selling creams, lotions, cleansers, infomercial products and internet websites are full of magic acne cures.

Acne is one of these conditions that everyone has an opinion or treatment for...Just look around on the internet for just a few minutes and you will agree...And be confused on what really causes acne and what is the real treatment.

It's ridiculous. You can get really confused with all the misinformation coming from your dermatologist, doctors, and skin care "specialists" and you get answers like "use benzoyl peroxide" or "take these antibiotics" and "no, chocolate has nothing to do with acne" and on and on.

You have been taught there are little bacteria making waste products that get stuck in the sebaceous glands or pores and build up into acne whiteheads, blackheads, cytic acne, etc.

That does happen...BUT why? There are a few specific causes for those nasty bacteria to grow out of control and make more waste products and dietary factors that cause you to secrete more oils that can block up your pores.

Rubbing and scrubbing your skin will never fix acne permanently. Neither will all these lotions, creams, doctor's magic acne "systems", etc. They all treat the SYMPTOM...bacteria pus and your blocked pores.

Yes...some cleansers can help some acne sufferers a lot, no doubt. But for some people that isn't good enough to solve their problem. And some of us don't want to be put on "autoship" to have our credit cards dinged every month until the end of time because their product never FIXES the CAUSE of acne...but that's how they want it ...More money for them.

One BIG overlooked cause of acne is fungal overgrowth in the digestive tract, which is due to an environment in the large intestine set up by the effects of antibiotics in meats, chicken, dairy, and other foods. The antibiotics kill off the normal amount of intestinal bacteria that inhabit the large intestine and keep fungus from overgrowing.

When fungus grow unchecked, they multiply and grow quickly and produce more and more waste which then overloads the body's filtering system and backs up. The waste then overflows and has to go somewhere and that somewhere is out through the largest excretory organ in the body...your skin...and that is called acne.

The SYMPTOM of acne is overgrowing bacteria and their excess waste that gets blocked in the pores and the underlying CAUSES are overlooked.

Your skin and your self esteem does not have to be constantly blemished and scarred if you know what really causes acne and what really is the best acne treatment.

If you would like more information on the real cause of acne and specifics on how to eliminate it quickly and effectively visit: http://bestacnetreatmenttips.com or http://www.squidoo.com/BestAcneTreatmentTips from Dr. James Martin at bestacnetreatmenttips.com who as a former acne sufferer and current private practice doctor searched for 11 years for a treatment for the real cause of his severe constant acne.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 6 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Tips On Acne Cysts Treatment

Acne cysts treatment has to be administered as soon as possible as acne cyst is one of the most severe cases of acne that is painful and can leave a very bad scar. This kind of acne manifests as a semi-liquid bump deep under the skin. These acne cysts are caused due to blocked oil glands that have ruptured resulting in inflammation and pus formation. The acne cysts occur in the deeper skin layers and can be extremely painful.

Acne Cysts Treatment Options

If you are prone to acne cysts, it is recommended that you consult a dermatologist immediately. Isotretinoin/Accutane is an acne cysts treatment that is recommended by some. It is a pill that is taken twice a day for about 3-4 months along with food. The accutane reduces the size of the oil glands thereby helping control the problem. This has been very effective in most patients who have been completely cured. This drug is to be avoided by pregnant women as it may cause birth defects in the developing child. Women are prescribed two forms of birth control pills for one month prior to their treatment as well as during their treatment and after their treatment for a few months at least. The drug may also induce or aggravate emotional problems. Some other side effects include dryness of eyes, nose, skin and mouth, poor night vision, sensitivity to sunlight, liver malfunction and increase in blood cholesterol levels. Nausea, diarrhea, severe abdominal pain and rectal bleeding are other symptoms. The drug may induce psychosis and lead to suicidal thoughts so is best avoided by those who have existing emotional problems.

Another acne cysts treatment that is recommended is intralesional corticosteroid therapy. In this type of treatment the acne cyst is injected with dilute cortisone solution that helps the patients by relieving the pain. The cyst also disappears in 3-5 days.

Some are administered a course of systemic antibiotics that are administered orally or via injection. They are prescribed for their anti-inflammatory properties and they also help reduce the number of bacteria.

If the acne cyst is very severe, surgical intervention may be needed. The surgery is done to drain and extract the cyst. This kind of acne cysts treatment has to be done by a qualified healthcare practitioner under sterile conditions.

Oral contraceptives and Spironolactone, a synthetic steroid have been prescribed in combination by some physicians as acne cysts treatment but they can be used by the women only after due consultation with their gynecologist. Some people also try laser acne treatments which are said to be effective.

But like it is said prevention is better than cure, so keep the face and other areas that are prone to acne cysts clean. Use a mild, medicated soap that is gentle and ensure that your diet is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. Include generous helpings of foods rich in zinc like nuts and fish. Regular exercise is also said to be very effective in preventing acne. Remember never to prick or squeeze a small pimple as it may turn into a most painful acne cyst. These are a few tips on acne cysts treatment and how you can prevent acne cysts from developing.

If you would like to discover the most powerful acne cream treatment, and also learn about home acne remedies, then go to: http://www.OnlineAcneRelief.com

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วันเสาร์ที่ 5 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

How To Get Rid Of Pimples On The Genitals, The Magic Formula

Are nights endlessly becoming miserable for you? Do malicious bumps make you despondent in bed? Do you feel weighed down by shame? It is time now to ask the question “how to get rid of pimples on the genitals”? Have a look downward; it will enlighten you about the nature of your crisis and will ease out your problem in no time.

What Are Genital Pimples?

Actually there exists no such thing as ‘genital acne’. It is in fact, a condition called “Hidradenitis Suppurativa”. In this case, sweat glands around the genital skin get blocked causing infections. The infection comes out in small pimple like lesions.

The genital area of the body suffers more heat, sweat and bacteria growths than the other parts making it more vulnerable to skin infections. Genital skin has more nerve endings than rest of your body skin. Excessive use of oil and lubricants can also cause pimples in your private part. Usually you keep your genitals covered most of the time, which is another catalyst to pimples.

Remember, that pimples can invade the genitals of any person. Man, woman, black or white whatever you are, you are not immune to pubic pimples.

Causes Of Disgrace
It is essential to know the causes of pubic pimples before entering the path of treatment. Generally there is not any single cause you can pinpoint. The causes vary but the usual causes are:

1. Harsh detergents, abrasive soaps and over washing

2. Stress

3. Unhealthy diet

4. Poor maintenance of personal hygiene

5. Hormonal changes in teenagers

6. Diseases instigating hormonal changes

7. Changes in hormones in case of women during menstruation and pregnancy

8. If pimples occur after the intake of a particular drug switch off to an alternative

9. Polluted and dirty environment also cause pimples.

Remedies For The Embarrassment

Years of research have shown that natural remedies are the best for treating acne. The steps to a beautiful bedtime are as follows:

First you have to gently cleanse the affected area a number of times throughout the day. It is essential that you use the right cleanser. Research has shown that the best cleanser should contain the following ingredients:

Arctium Lappa - A naturopathic ingredient to treat chronic skin infections

Bulbine Frutescence - It soothes and heals the affected area protecting it from the bacteria

Lavendar Essential Oil - It is a stimulant and antiseptic that prevents scars

Azadirachta Indica - It contains antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties

Melaleuca Alternifolia or Tea Tree Oil - This exceptional oil heals the skin without causing irritation and dryness. It has antiseptic, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties

In the next step you have to apply the pimple cure recipes on your genitals several times a day.

The best recipe to control pubic pimples must contain:

Oleum Melaleuca - It acts on the root cause of the pimples, the microorganisms

Oleum Lavendula - It has tremendous healing and soothing properties, which heals skin infections gently.

Calendula Officinalis - This herb holds anti-inflammatory, astringent and antiseptic properties to cure pimples soothingly.

Symphitium - This ingredient is traditionally used to heal infections and to promote cell renewal process. It is a wonderful antidote, which prevents skin marks and zits.
This treatment will ensure that the gnawing problem of pimples on your genitals will vanish in no days. But if the problem persists please visit a Dermatologist.

Robert Sheehan is a freelance writer and co-owner of http://www.myacneskintreatments.com Visit Robert And read more about treating acne at http://www.myacneskintreatments.com/Best-Acne-Treatments.html

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